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Overleaf Product Update: June 2017

Ryan · June 29, 2017

We’re always working to make Overleaf better by introducing new features and improving existing ones. Here’s a short update on what we’ve been up to lately:

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Enhanced Blog Posts

We’ve added MathJax to our blog posts. It’s already been put to good use in this post, and you can expect to see more math-based blog posts in the near future.

Team Management Improvements

Users who manage teams can now see when users joined the team. Team managers can also sort based on any of the column headers in the team management dashboard.

Overleaf team management

If you’re interested in setting up a team account for you lab, department, institution, or company, contact us.

Collaborator Count and List

There’s a new icon on the project dashboard that shows the number of invited collaborators on a protected project. Mouse over the icon to see the first five collaborators.

Overleaf dashboard collaborator count and list

If you’re interested in learning more about protected projects or other features available to Pro users, visit our plans page.

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

We were also hard at work squashing bugs and making performance improvements to enhance your Overleaf experience.

We have some further product updates coming soon – stay tuned! Happy LaTeXing!


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