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BloggPosts tagged “Orcid”

  • John · March 13, 2017

    Exploring the Connected Culture of Collaboration - a new #OverleafReport

    Real-time collaboration network visualization by Ian Calvert

    I'm delighted to announce that today, Overleaf has released a new report which takes an in-depth look at active collaborative research patterns. Rather than examining post-published collaboration patterns, “The Connected Culture of Collaboration” explores how real-time information on collaboration can provide insights in collaboration patterns on national, state and institution-level scales.

    Supported and contributed to by Digital Science, the report features a number of thought leadership pieces and includes a foreword from Laurel Haak, Executive Director, ORCID. The report focuses on the varying aspects of collaboration: how collaboration is valued in science, the role of university libraries in research communication, and how the growth of open access facilitates collaboration.

  • Michael · February 23, 2017

    Growing adoption of ORCID on Overleaf – over 5,000 linked ORCID accounts and four ORCID badges!

    At the start of November 2016 we launched our integration with ORCID, to enable users to link their Overleaf account with their ORCID iD to help securely establish their identity and provide a quick way to login to Overleaf using their ORCID credentials.

    We're delighted to announce that as of today, 5,295 Overleaf users have linked their ORCID accounts with their Overleaf account – equivalent to almost 50 per day since the launch! It's great to see such a rapid adoption of ORCID by our users, and reflects the growing adoption of ORCID as a standard, persistent identifier for researchers around the world.

    We're also excited to have received our first four ORCID badges (who doesn't like badges?!) for officially conforming to the ORCID standards for Authenticating, Collecting, Displaying and Connecting the ORCID iDs on Overleaf. Check out our badge gallery below :-)

    Overleaf's four ORCID badges

  • Ryan · November 2, 2016

    Now available! Link your ORCID iD to your Overleaf account.

    Link your Overleaf account to your ORCID iD

    ORCID® provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

    Securely establish your identity by linking your ORCID iD to your Overleaf account. Submissions to participating publishers will automatically include your ORCID iD for improved workflow and visibility.

  • Mary Anne · October 10, 2016

    Overleaf and ORCID at AAAS

    Thanks to Ashlea Higgs for giving a big shout-out to Overleaf at the ORCID outreach meeting at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington DC last week!

    Overleaf ORCID AAAS meeting photo


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