UCAS Unofficial LaTeX Template for Beamer Slides 中国科学院大学LaTeX Beamer模板(非官方)
中国科学院大学公共必修课《基础物理实验》实验报告模板,基于官方提供的Word模板进行编写,体验更佳。本模板已被列为本课程推荐模板,感谢张海龙教授对本项目的支持与推荐。 LaTeX template for Experimental Physics report of UCAS, based on official Word template. Thanks for the support and recommendation from Prof. Hai-Long Zhang.
LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 国科大开题报告 LaTeX 模板
LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 国科大学位论文 LaTeX 模板
A Beamer Theme of UCAS for academic report, thesis and talk.
An unofficial LaTeX beamer template for UCAS
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