%%% Coleção Estudos Cariocas (in English)
%%% Based on Physiome Journal Template and Computers in Education Journal Template
%%% Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
%% Main Title
\titleen{Article Title}
\titlept{Título do Artigo}
\titlees{Título del Artículo}
%% During Initial Submission please do not fill these out
%% The article may have more than three authors. These are merely examples.
\author[1][corr.author@xyz.ac.mm]{First Author}
\author[2]{Second Author}
\author[3]{Third Author}
\affil[1]{Affiliation of first author: Institution, address, ORCID, e-mail}
\affil[2]{Affiliation of second author: Institution, address, ORCID, e-mail}
\affil[3]{Affiliation of third author: Institution, address, ORCID, e-mail}
%% The following lines can be omitted when submitting;
%% information will be added by editors
\publicationdate{30 Sept 2020}
\submitteddate{4 May 2020}
\accepteddate{15 Sept 2020}
\citethisas{\textbf{FIRST, A.; SECOND, B.} Article Title. \textit{Coleção Estudos Cariocas}, v. 10, n. 4, 2020.}{}
%%% Start of Main Body of Article
Please provide an abstract of no more than 100 words. Your abstract should explain the main contributions of your article, and should not contain any material that is not included in the main text.
\keywords{Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3}
Por favor, forneça um resumo com no máximo 100 palavras. Seu resumo deve explicar as principais contribuições do seu artigo e não deve conter nenhum material que não esteja incluído no texto principal.
\palavraschave{Palavra1, Palavra2, Palavra3}
Por favor, escribe un resumen de no más de 100 palabras. Tu resumen debe explicar las principales contribuciones de tu artículo y no debe contener material que no esté incluido en el texto principal.
\palabrasclave{Palabra1, Palabra2, Palabra3}
Your introduction goes here! Some examples of commonly used commands and features are listed below, to help you get started.
\subsection{Introduction Subsection}
Here is an example of a subsection for the introductory section.
\section{Example of a Second Section}
Our format is not fixed, given the array of topics. Here is an example of a second section, which could be a literature review, materials and methods or whatever is appropriate to the research.
\subsection{Some Examples}
Use section and subsection commands to organize your document. \LaTeX{} handles all the formatting and numbering automatically. Use \verb|\autoref| and \verb|\label| commands for cross-references, e.g.~\autoref{sec:examples}, \autoref{eq:sum}, \autoref{fig:view}, \autoref{tab:widgets}. You can still use the more common \verb|\ref|, but this will only generate the (sub)section/table/figure/equation number: \ref{tab:withnotes}.
\subsection{Figures and Tables}
Use the table and tabular commands for basic tables --- see \autoref{tab:widgets}, for example. \autoref{tab:withnotes} shows a larger example with \emph{table notes}. You can upload a figure (JPEG, PNG or PDF) using the project menu. To include it in your document, use the \verb|\includegraphics| command as in the code for \autoref{fig:view} below.
If you prefer, you can place all your image files in a folder. Remember to include the folder path in your \verb|\includegraphics| command, or use `\verb|\graphicspath|` to specify the path to the folder in which all your image files can be found.
\caption {An example image of Rio de Janeiro.}
\small {Source: Instituto Pereira Passos}%comment this line if no source is needed
\caption{An example table.}\label{tab:widgets}
\begin{tabular}{l r}
Item & Quantity \\\midrule
Educational sets & 4 \\
Meals & ?\\
\par\small {Source: Instituto Pereira Passos}%comment this line if no source is needed
\caption{An example table with tablenotes}\label{tab:withnotes}
Neighborhood & Population($n$) & Density & Index & Result\\
Grajaú & 62570 & 58\tnote{1} & 114 & Passed\\
Vila Isabel & 105983 & 61 & 213 & Passed\\
Del Castilho & 87992 & 44 & 111 & Passed\\
Jardim Guanabara & 21093 & 52 & 89\tnote{2} & Passed\\
\item[1] here's a note.
\item[2] and another.
\par\small {Source: Instituto Pereira Passos}%comment this line if no source is needed
Citations should follow the ABNT style, but \LaTeX{} formats them automatically using the bibliography records in your .bib file, which you can edit via the project menu. Use the \verb|\textcite| command for a text citation, like \textcite{Carmona2021}, \textcite{SNUC} or \textcite{LivroVermelho}, and the \verb|\cite| command for a citation in parentheses \cite{Griwodz2021}.
For longer citations, use \verb|\begin{quote}<<your text here>>\end{quote}|. For example: \begin{quote}Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia
eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error. Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia
eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.\end{quote}
\LaTeX{} is great at typesetting mathematics. Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with $\text{E}[X_i] = \mu$ and $\text{Var}[X_i] = \sigma^2 < \infty$, and let
S_n = \frac{X_1 + X_2 + \cdots + X_n}{n}
= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}^{n} X_i
denote their mean. Then as $n$ approaches infinity, the random variables $\sqrt{n}(S_n - \mu)$ converge in distribution to a normal $\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$.
You can make lists with automatic numbering \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or bullet points \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or with words and descriptions \dots
\item[Word] Definition
\item[Concept] Explanation
\item[Idea] Text
\section{Example of Third Section}
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error. Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
\section{Example of a Fourth Section}
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error. Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error. Quam suscipit ut quidem et animi numquam consectetur et. Nihil et commodi ut officia eveniet beatae qui. Placeat accusantium eius consequatur animi nisi sed. Pariatur et dolores tempore velit similique voluptatem similique error.
\section*{About the Authors} %Author biographies come here. Change title to "About the Author" if there's only one. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
Jane Doe is...
\section*{Author Contributions} %omit those that do not apply, for more than one author per topic, separate initials by commas. For example: J.M.M., L.C.F., X.Y.M. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
Conceptualization, [insert initials]; methodology, [insert initials]; software [insert initials]; validation, [insert initials]; formal analysis, [insert initials]; investigation, [insert initials]; resources, [insert initials]; data curation, [insert initials]; writing—original draft preparation, [insert initials]; writing—review and editing [insert initials]; visualisation, [insert initials]; supervision, [insert initials]; project administration, [insert initials]; funding acquisition, [insert initials]. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
\section*{Funding} %omit if the article has not been funded by any agency. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
This research was funded by...
\section*{Institutional Review} %omit if the article has not been reviewed by any agency. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
This research was approved by...
\section*{Informed Consent} %omit if the article did not need any informed consent by human subjects. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
This research was approved by...
\section*{Data Availability} %omit if there is no data available to share. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
Data for this research may be available...
\section*{Acknowledgements} %omit if there are no acknowledgements. Change to "the author" if there's only one. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
The authors acknowledge the contributions...
\section*{Conflicts of interest} %mandatory. Change to "the author" if there's only one. Fill in only after the article's acceptance.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
\section*{About \textit{Coleção Estudos Cariocas}}
\textit{Coleção Estudos Cariocas} (ISSN 1984-7203) is a publication dedicated to studies and research on the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, affiliated with the Pereira Passos Institute (IPP) of the Rio de Janeiro City Hall.
Its objective is to disseminate technical and scientific production on topics related to the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as its metropolitan connections and its role in regional, national, and international contexts. The collection is open to all researchers (whether municipal employees or not) and covers a wide range of fields — provided they partially or fully address the spatial scope of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Articles must also align with the Institute's objectives, which are:
\item to promote and coordinate public intervention in the city's urban space;
\item to provide and integrate the activities of the city's geographic, cartographic, monographic, and statistical information systems;
\item to support the establishment of basic guidelines for the city's socioeconomic development.