Curriculum Vitae Latex
Huu Duc Nguyen
Last Updated:
för 3 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Curriculum Vitae in Latex
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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
draft = false,
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% Basic information
\setname{Huu Duc}{Nguyen}
\setaddress{The 7th level / Hell}
\setmobile{(+12) 345 678 910}
% Title + Contact
\cvtitle{Curriculum Vitae}
% Summary / Objectives
\CVTextBlock{Master student in duck farming and butchering. I'm looking for opportunities working with duck on different planets in order to gain more practical experiences and industrial exposure.}
% Current Position
% \cvSection{Current Position}
% Education
\CVBlockWithTime{Duke University}{2/2002 - 7/2007}
{MS in Ducking}{That tiny hole, Mars}
{\textbf{CGPA:} 3.5, magna cum laude}
\CVBlockWithTime{Duke University}{8/2013 - 6/2018}
{BSE in Duck Farming and Butchering - Talent Program}{Farmville, Earth}
{\textbf{CGPA:} 2.7, magna cum laude}
% Experience (Research and Industry)
% \cvSection{Experience (Research \& Industry)}
\CVBlockWithTime{Intern}{11/2021 - 2/2022}{Duck GmbH}{That bigger hole, Mars}
{Implemented additional butchering features into the duck pipeline}
\CVBlockWithTime{Master Thesis Student}{4 - 10/2021}{Duck GmbH}{That smaller hole, Mars}
{Evaluation and Adaption of Duck Butchering Algorithms for Mobile Robots in Zero-gravity Environment}
% Skills
\tab \begin{tabular}{r p{0.7\textwidth}}
\texttt{\large Programming Language} & \textbf{Experienced:} Duckython \tab \textbf{Familiar:} D++ \cvContactSep Dash \cvContactSep DMake \cvContactSep Datex\\
\texttt{\large Frameworks \& Tools} & Git \cvContactSep CLI \cvContactSep Dindows \cvContactSep Dinux \cvContactSep Datlab \cvContactSep DOS \cvContactSep Dupyter \cvContactSep VSDode \cvContactSep Dim \\
\texttt{\large Libraries} & duckplotplib \cvContactSep ducks \cvContactSep dumpy \cvContactSep OpenDUCKIE\\
\texttt{\large Languages} & \textbf{Native:} English \cvContactSep \textbf{Fluent:} Duckese (DIELTS 7.2) \cvContactSep \textbf{Beginner:} Marsese \\
% Awards and Distinction
\cvSection{Honors \& Awards}
\CVBlockWithTime{Dean's List}{2021 \& 2022}{Duck University}{}
{Among the 5 percent best students in the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic year.}
% Teaching Experience
% \cvSection{Teaching Experience}
% Extra Curricular Activities
% \newpage
\cvSection{Extracurricular Activities}
\CVBlockWithTime{Peer Mentor}{8/2020 - 12/2021}{Duck Academy}{That bigger hole, Mars}
{Provided peer-to-peer mentoring for new ducks}
\CVBlockWithTime{Exchange Delegate}{9 - 10/2018}{Duck Union}{Space}
{Attended The International Duck Conference about Duck Literacy in Jupyter}
\cvSection{Teaching Experience}
\cvSection{Professional Activities}
\cvSection{Invited Talks}
\cvSection{Selected Press Coverage}