CV Template
Caleb McWhorter
Last Updated:
för 6 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating a CV (curriculum vitae).

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% -------------------
% Content
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% Title
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\name{Marsha Mallow}{black}
\noindent\begin{minipage}[c]{\textwidth} \centering
\multicolumn{3}{c}{1640 Riverside Drive --- Hill Valley, California 11249} \\
\faPhone\ +1 (212) 555 2368 & \textbullet & \faEnvelopeO\ marshmallow@grad.edu \\
\faGlobe\ http://smoresnmore.com& \textbullet & \faGithub\ https://github.com/marshmallow
\end{minipage} \par\vspace{0.5cm}
% -------------------
% Education & Research Interests
% -------------------
% Education
\item \ed{%
\textbf{Ph.D. Mathematics}, \emph{Spring 2020} \par
{\itshape UC Sunnydale; Smallville, Kansas} \par
{\itshape Thesis Advisor: Dr. Krystal Ball}
\item \ed{%
\textbf{M.S. Mathematics}, \emph{May 2017} \par
{\itshape UC Sunnydale; Smallville, Kansas} \par
\item \ed{%
\textbf{B.A. Mathematics}, \emph{May 2015} \par
{\itshape Wossamotta U; Uthaca, NY}
\end{enumTriangle} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Research Interests
% -------------------
\cvsubsection{Research Interests}
\item \research{Calculus}{Curves, Integrals, Derivatives, Optimization, Multivariable Calculus, Dot Products, Green's Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Not So Mean---Actually Kind of Nice---Value Theorem}
\item \research{Linear Algebra}{Matrices, Determinants, Vector Spaces}
\item \research{Other Interests}{Mathematics Education, Mathematical Outreach, Sleeping}
\end{enumTriangle} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Employment
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% UC Sunnydale
\triangleEntry{UC Sunnydale}
Graduate Instructor, Fall 2015 -- Present \medskip
% Wossamotta U
\triangleEntry{Wossamotta U}
Academic Assistant, January 2014 -- May 2015 \par
Wossamotta U Mathematics Help Room, October 2013 -- May 2015 \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Teaching Experiences
% -------------------
\cvsection{Teaching Experience}
% Instructor ---------
\cvsubsection{Graduate Instructor}
% UC Sunnydale
\triangleEntry{UC Sunnydale}
\teachingEntry{MAT 000: Introductory Mathematics}{Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2019}
\teachingEntry{MAT 555: Intermediate Mathematics}{Spring 2017, Summer 2017, Fall 2019}
\teachingEntry{MAT 999: Advanced Mathematics}{Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019} \twomedskip
% TA ---------
\cvsubsection{Teaching Assistant}
% UC Sunnydale
\triangleEntry{UC Sunnydale}
\teachingEntry{MAT 000: Introductory Mathematics}{Fall 2015, Spring 2016}
\teachingEntry{MAT 555: Intermediate Mathematics}{Summer 2016}
\teachingEntry{MAT 999: Advanced Mathematics}{Fall 2016} \twomedskip
% Wossamotta U
\triangleEntry{Wossamotta U}
\teachingEntry{Teaching Assistant: General Mathematics II}{Spring 2015}
\teachingEntry{Teaching Assistant: General Mathematics I}{Fall 2014}
\teachingEntry{Teaching Assistant: General Mathematics III}{Spring 2013} \twomedskip
% Clinics ---------
\cvsubsection{Mathematics Clinics \& Tutoring}
% Wossamotta U
\triangleEntry{Wossamotta U}
\teachingEntry{Academic Assistant}{January 2014 -- May 2015}
\teachingEntry{Mathematics Help Room}{October 2013 -- May 2015} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Grants & Awards
% -------------------
\cvsection{Grants \& Awards}
% Grants ---------
\item Gov Grant, AAA 9999999 -- Funding Program
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% Awards ---------
\item Most Awesome CV
\item Teaching Teaching Assistant Every
\item Best Imaginary Juggling Routine
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Service
% -------------------
\cvsection{Departmental \& University Service}
% Departmental ---------
\cvsubsection{Departmental Service}
% Syracuse University
\triangleEntry{UC Sunnydale}
\item Conference Organizer, {\itshape 2019}
\item Identity Theft Specialist, {\itshape Spring 2018}
\item Yelp Reviewer, {\itshape Fall 2017}
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% University ---------
\cvsubsection{University Service}
% Syracuse University
\triangleEntry{UC Sunnydale}
\item Teaching Training, {\itshape 2016}
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Advising
% -------------------
% DRP ---------
\triangleEntry{Directed Reading Program}
\teachingEntry{Rita Book, Spring 2019}{Project: How to be Employable with Mathematics} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Presentations
% -------------------
% Research Talks ---------
\cvsubsection{Research Talks}
\item \talk{Using Calculus to Intimidate Others}{March 2020}{The Biggest Math Conference}
\item \talk{Learning to Fear Integration}{September 2019}{1st Annual Mathematical Phobia Conference}
\item \talk{How Calculus Earns You Friendships}{April 2018}{5th Annual Mathematical Conference of Mathematics}
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% University Talks ---------
\cvsubsection{University \& Department Talks}
\item \talk{How not to get the University sued}{October 2017}{UC Sunnydale University Seminar}
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% Expository Talks ---------
\cvsubsection{Expository Talks}
\item \talk{Who Are We? Why Are We Here?}{August 2015}{UC Sunnydale Math Seminar}
\end{enumDiamond} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Conferences & Workshops
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\cvsection{Conferences and Workshops}
% Conferences ---------
\begin{enumSDot}[itemsep= 0cm] %noitemsep
\item \lineentry{Annual Mathematics Conference in Graduate Mathematics}{April 2019}
\end{enumSDot} \twomedskip
% Workshops ---------
\item \lineentry{150th Annual Workshop in Bird House Building}{March 2019}
\end{enumSDot} \twomedskip
% -------------------
% Skills
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\item {\bfseries Mathematics Programs:} Sage, MAGMA, Mathematica, MATLAB, Minitab, SPSS, Geogebra, Surface Evolver, (La)TeX
\item {\bfseries Presentational Programs:} Beamer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Pages, Keynote, Inkscape, GoogleDocs, GoogleForms, GoogleSheets, GoogleSlides
\item {\bfseries Programming:} C++, Python, GoogleScript
\item {\bfseries Languages:} English, Spanish (Intermediate), German (Beginner), French (Beginner)
\item {\bfseries Impressions:} Great impression of a hotdog
\item {\bfseries Music:} Recorder
\item {\bfseries Other Skills:} Basket Weaving