\setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
N:o XX (YYYY) \\
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research / Physics\\
Department of Physics \\
Faculty of Science \\
University of Helsinki \\
Helsinki, Finland
{\em Doctoral dissertation, to be presented for public discussion with the permission of the Faculty of XX
of the University of Helsinki, in Auditorium XX, Building name, on the DDth of Month, YYYY at 12 o’clock.}
{\bf Helsinki YYYY}
Author's Address:
& Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research / Physics \\
& P.O. Box 64 \\
& FI-00014 University of Helsinki \\
& firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi \\
& Professor Firstname Lastname, Ph.D.\\
& Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research / Physics\\
& University of Helsinki\\
& Professor Firstname Lastname, Ph.D.\\
& Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research / Physics\\
& University of Helsinki\\
& Professor Firstname Lastname, Ph.D.\\
& Department of XX\\
& University of XX\\
& Associate Professor Firstname Lastname, Ph.D.\\
& Laboratory of XX\\
& University of XX\\
& Professor Firstname Lastname, Ph.D. \\
& Institute of XX \\
& University of XX
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (printed) \\
ISSN xxxx-xxxx \\
Helsinki YYYY \\
Unigrafia Oy
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (pdf) \\
ISSN xxxx-xxxx \\
Helsinki YYYY \\
Firstname Lastname\newline
Place, Month YYYY
\underline{Firstname} Secondname Lastname\newline
University of Helsinki, YYYY\\
Keywords: first keyword, second keyword, third keyword
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\setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
\section*{List of publications}
This thesis consists of an introductory review, followed by XX
research articles. In the introductory part, these papers are cited
according to their roman numerals.
\item[\bf I.]{\fullcite{paperOne2020}}
\item[\bf II.]{\fullcite{paperTwo2021}}
\item[\bf III.]{\fullcite{paperThree2022}}
\item[\bf IV.]{\fullcite{paperFour2022}}
Add here a statement about article reprinting rights.
Note that the numbering starts from the very first page of the file. Introduction should start from an odd page and if this is not the case add a plank page before the introduction. The bibliography is stored in the \texttt{references.bib} file and it is managed here using the
\href{https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Bibliography_management_with_biblatex}{\texttt{biblatex}} package. Examples of in-text citations: \cite{paperOne2020} found something \parencite[e.g.][]{paperTwo2021}.
\section{Materials and methods}
\subsubsection{Field measurements}
\subsubsection{Laboratory measurements}
\subsection{Data analysis}
\section{Results and discussion}
\subsection{First result}
\subsection{Second result}
\subsection{Third result}
\section{Review of papers and the author's contribution}
{\bf Paper I.} \lipsum[75]
{\bf Paper II.} \lipsum[75]
{\bf Paper III.} \lipsum[75]
{\bf Paper IV.} \lipsum[75]
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={References}]