Faisal CV Template
Faisal Shrideh
Last Updated
för ett år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My own CV, I replaced the experience with the project i built cause i didn't work on any company before.
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% \namesection{Faisal}{Shrideh}{ \urlstyle{same}\href{https://devfaisal-portfolio.netlify.app/}{devfaisal-portfolio.netlify.app} |\\
% \href{mailto:f_shrideh@yahoo.com}{f\_shrideh@yahoo.com} | XXX.XXX.XXXX
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{\LARGE Faisal Shrideh} \\ \vspace{0pt}
\large{Irbid,Jordan} \\
% this could be LinkedIn, GitHub, or a personal website or social media account (if used for professional purposes)
% please ensure your email address is one you check
Email : \href{mailto:{f_shrideh@yahoo.com}}{f\_shrideh@yahoo.com} \\
% \begin{tabular}{c|c|c}
% \section{Objective}
% Second-year software engineering student , future full-stack web developer, Innovative front end developer with 2 years experience building and maintaining responsive websites in the recruiting industry. proficient in Html , CSS , JavaScript ,plus modern libraries and frameworks. Seeking for new opportunities and challenges that will expand my skill set.
% \end{tabular}{2}
Motivated software engineer with a passion for web development and a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Proficient in building interactive and responsive websites using modern libraries and frameworks, including Node.js, React.js, and Express.js. With a keen eye for design and user experience, I am dedicated to creating seamless and engaging digital solutions. My experience extends to collaborating in dynamic environments and utilizing Git for version control. Eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to tackle complex challenges and deliver exceptional user experiences.
\subsection{Al-Hussein Bin Talal University}
\descript{BSE in Software Engineering}
\location{Now | Maan, Jordan}
\subsection{Dair Abi Saeed High School}
\location{May 2020 | Irbid, Jordan}
\location{GPA: 3.4 / 4.0 (85\%)}
Facebook:// \href{https://facebook/}{\bf Faisal Sh} \\
Github:// \href{https://github.com/}{\bf FaisalShridehh} \\
LinkedIn:// \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/faisal-shrideh/}{\bf Faisal Shrideh} \\
Quora:// \href{https://www.quora.com/}{\bf Faisal Shrideh}
\textbullet{} Html \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} CSS \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} JavaScript \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} HTML5 \\
\textbullet{} Node.JS \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} ReactJS \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} JQuery \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} Express.js \\
\textbullet{} MongoDB \hspace{5pt} \textbullet{} \LaTeX\
\subsection{Technical skills}
\textbullet{} UI \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} UX \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} Debugging \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} Responsive Design \\
\textbullet{} APIs\hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} Git \hspace{5pt}\textbullet{} GitHub
\textbullet{} Arabic - Native \\
\textbullet{} English - Intermediate \\
% Projects
\subsection{Blog Website}
\location{GitHub: \href{https://github.com/FaisalShridehh/blog-website}{blog-website}}
\item Developed a blog website using Node.js, MongoDB, EJS, and CSS.
\item Implemented features for creating, editing, and deleting blog posts.
\item Utilized EJS templates for dynamic content rendering.
\subsection{To-Do List App}
\location{GitHub: \href{https://github.com/FaisalShridehh/To-Do-List}{todo-list}}
\item Designed a to-do list application with Node.js, MongoDB, EJS, and CSS.
\item Enabled users to add, update, and mark tasks as completed.
\item Incorporated MongoDB for storing task data persistently.
\subsection{Movie Website (React)}
\location{GitHub: \href{https://github.com/FaisalShridehh/movie-popCorn}{movie-website}}
\item Built a movie website using React.js to showcase fetched movie data from an API.
\item Allowed users to search for movies and view details including ratings and descriptions.
\item Gained practical experience with React components and API integration.
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