% This template was originally by R. Jacob Vogelstein
% Updated on March 1, 2010 by Noah J. Cowan
% Updated on May 18, 2014 by Brian Weitzner at https://github.com/weitzner/jhu-thesis-template
% Updated on January 29, 2016 by John Muschelli at https://github.com/muschellij2/PhD_Thesis
% Updated on April 13, 2016 by Leonardo Collado Torres and available at https://github.com/lcolladotor/jhu-thesis-template. View (read-only) at Overleaf here https://www.overleaf.com/read/tqdzgmrxgbtg
% Updated on July 17, 2020 by Ben Ackerman and available at https://github.com/benjamin-ackerman/jhu-thesis-template
%% It's your responsability to make sure that your thesis complies with
%% JHU's formatting rules available at https://www.library.jhu.edu/library-services/electronic-theses-dissertations/formatting-requirements/
%% This was the setup recommended at https://github.com/weitzner/jhu-thesis-template
% \documentclass[12pt,oneside,final]{thesis}
%% Followed the information from https://www.overleaf.com/latex/examples/creating-pdf-slash-a-and-pdf-slash-x-files/bbbycnbyqhnm#.Vw6_XBMrLm1 to create a PDF/A file in Overleaf
\usepackage[a-1b]{pdfx} % Need this to create a PDF/A file
\newdimen \jot \jot=5mm
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Seems to cause a conflict with fontenc and lmodern
%\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00A0}{ }
\usepackage{lmodern} % load a font with all the characters
\usepackage{tocbibind} % need this to contents adding for TOC
\usepackage{RJournal_nogeom} % Changes the colors of links among other things
%% load any required packages here
% A math shortcut frequently used by John Muschelli
\newcommand{\bbeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}}
% DOI from Segmentation
% Don't use - needs hyperref
% \begingroup
% \let\bibinfo\@secondoftwo
% \urlstyle{rm}%
% \href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{%
% doi:\discretionary{}{}{}%
% \nolinkurl{#1}%
% }%
% \endgroup
% StartKNITR STUFF -- added by John Muschelli
%% maxwidth is the original width if it is less than linewidth
%% otherwise use linewidth (to make sure the graphics do not exceed the margin)
\def\maxwidth{ %
\definecolor{fgcolor}{rgb}{0.345, 0.345, 0.345}
\def\FrameCommand##1{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip-\fboxsep
% There is no \\@totalrightmargin, so:
\hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width
\@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize
\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{.97, .97, .97}
\definecolor{messagecolor}{rgb}{0, 0, 0}
\definecolor{warningcolor}{rgb}{1, 0, 1}
\definecolor{errorcolor}{rgb}{1, 0, 0}
\newenvironment{knitrout}{}{} % an empty environment to be redefined in TeX
style = authoryear,
sorting = none,
dashed = false,
maxbibnames = 99,
backend = bibtex,
natbib = true
% If you want to exclude some portions from the bibliography
%\makeglossary % enable the glossary
\graphicspath{{rnw_chapter/figure/}{rnw_chapter/}} % change it accordingly!
\newcommand{\bm}[1]{ \mbox{\boldmath $ #1 $} }
\newcommand{\bin}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{@{}c@{}} #1 \\ #2
\end{array}\right) }
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
% Create cover page of dissertation !
{\bf\LARGE{ JHU THESIS TEMPLATE TITLE }}\\ % change it accordingly, title must be in ALL CAPS!
{\bf by} \\*[18pt]
{\bf Your Name}\\ % change it accordingly!
{\bf A dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University\\
in conformity with the requirements for the degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy }\\
{\bf Baltimore, Maryland} \\
{\bf June, 2020} \\ % change it accordingly! Put month of submission, not of thesis defense (if different)
{\bf \copyright{ }2020 by Your Name} \\ % change the year if needed!
{\bf All rights reserved}
% Add acknowledgements
% for the three lines below, change the page numbers if needed!
%\addtocontents{toc}{\contentsline{chapter}{Table of Contents}{iii}}
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}Table of Contents}{iii}}
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}List of Tables}{iv}}
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}List of Figures}{v}}
\cleardoublepage % Needed because our intro chapter doesn't really have anything
% add your chapters, best way is to have separate TeX files for each chapter
%% The above was the recommended setup by https://github.com/weitzner/jhu-thesis-template but it's no longer needed
%% after Muschelli's changes which stores different chapters in their
%% respective directories. You will still need to add your chapters as
%% TeX files or Rnw files (see rnw_chapter as an example) and please
%% remember to update the makefile accordingly.
%% If using Overleaf, you'll have to upload the resulting tex file & figures
%% since Overleaf does not support Rnw files right now (April 13, 2016)
% CV PDF file downloaded from the moderncv template available at Overleaf
% https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/modern-cv-and-cover-letter-2015-version/sttkgjcysttn#.Vw6PFRMrL65
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Curriculum Vitae} % CV must be in table of contents
\includepdf[pages={-}, pagecommand={}]{moderncv-2015.pdf} %continue page numbering through CV