
NJU LAMDA Thesis Template
Zhuang Zhenhua
Last Updated:
för 2 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
NJU LAMDA Thesis Template

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
NJU LAMDA Thesis Template
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{Your Title Your Title Your Title Your Title Your Title Your Title Your Title }
\subtitle{Conference 2024}
\institute{Your Institution}
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\frametitle{About the Author(分栏显示)}
{\textbf{LinaBell}}\\Research Fellow in Nanjing University, a member of LAMDA.
\textbf{Latest works}
\item NeurPIS
\item ICML
\item ICRL
\item TPAMI
\item PRML
% 储备知识部分
\item{\textbf{Learning Strategy}}
\\ \hspace*{\fill} \\
Optimization methods:
Pointwise loss (binary cross-entropy, mean square error), pairwise loss (BPR, WARP), and {\color{red}softmax loss}
\mathcal{L}_0 = -\sum_{(u,i)\in{O}^{+}}\log\frac{\exp{(\cos(\hat{\theta}_{ui})/\tau)}}{\exp{(\cos(\hat{\theta}_{ui})/\tau)}+\sum_{j\in{N}_{u}}\exp{(\cos(\hat{\theta}_{uj})/\tau)}},
% 相关工作
\section{Related Work}
\frametitle{Related Work(多级列表)}
\textbf{SOTA debiasing strategies}
\textbf{Sample re-weighting methods} (e.g. IPS-CN)\\
exploit the item popularity's inverse to re-weight loss of each instance.
\textbf{Causal inference methods} (e.g. MACR, CausE)\\
specify the role of popularity bias in assumed causal
mitigate the bias effect on the prediction.
\textbf{Regularization-based frameworks} (e.g. Sam-reg) \\
\item Provides a tunable mechanism for controlling the trade-off between recommendation accuracy and coverage.\\
\textbf{Sam-reg} regularizes the biased correlation between user-item relevance and item popularity
% 方法部分
\subsection{BC Loss}
\frametitle{Methodology of BC Loss}
\framesubtitle{BC Loss(二级标题)}
\textbf{BC Loss}
\mathcal{L}_{\text{BC}} =
$M_{ui}$: the bias-aware angular margin for the interaction $(u,i)$
$$M_{ui} = \min \{\hat{\xi}_{ui}, \pi - \hat{\theta}_{ui}\}$$
If a user-item pair is the hard interaction that can hardly be reconstructed by its popularity statistics, it holds a
high value of $\xi_{ui}$ and leads to a high value of $M_{ui}$. Henceforward, BC loss imposes the large angular
margin $M_{ui}$ between the negative item $j$ and positive item $i$.
% 分析部分
\subsection{Geometric Interpretation}
\framesubtitle{Geometric Interpretation}
\textbf{Geometric Interpretation}\\
User $u$ with one observed item $i$ and two unobserved items $j$ and $k$.\\
\subsection{Theoretical Properties}
\framesubtitle{Theoretical Properties}
\textbf{Theoretical Properties}
1. There exists an upper bound $m$, s.t. $-1 < \cos(\hat{\theta}_{ui}+M_{ui}) \leq {v}_u^T{v}_i - m < 1 $\\
2. \\
3. \\
4. \\
5. \\
6. \\
% 实验部分
\framesubtitle{Baselines \& Datasets}
Backbone: only use softmax loss
IPS-CN: sample re-weighting methods
CausE: bias removal by causal inference
sam + reg: regularization-based framework
MACR: bias removal by causal inference
& KuaiRec & Douban Movie & Tencent & Amazon-Book & Alibaba-iFashion & Yahoo!R3 & Coat\\ \midrule
\#Users & 7175 & 36,644 & 95,709 & 52,643 & 300,000 & 14382 & 290 \\
\#Items & 10611 & 22,226 & 41,602 & 91,599 & 81,614 & 1000 & 295 \\
\#Interactions & 1062969 & 5,397,926 & 2,937,228 & 2,984,108 & 1,607,813 & 129,748 & 2,776 \\
Sparsity & 0.01396 & 0.00663 & 0.00074 & 0.00062 & 0.00007
& 0.00902 & 0.03245\\ \bottomrule
% 结论部分
(Originality) Popular bias extractor has an intuitive geometric interpretation.
(Quality) Outperforms existing methods in various evaluation protocols.
(Clarity) Well-written and easy to understand. Theoretical proof is quite solid.
The technical contribution of this paper is limited.It only proposes to employ an extra popularity-based predictor and combine the results with an existing CF model\footfullcite{he2020momentum}.
Overclaims the strength of the proposed BC loss in theoretical analysis. The geometric interpretability and the hard-negative mining ability are actually the same thing\parencite{ pmlr-v119-wang20k, yuan2021one}
% 引用部分
% 谢辞部分
\textcolor{NJUPurple}{\Huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}