Northwestern University Thesis Template
Last Updated
för 5 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis template for School of professional studies Data Science
Thesis template for School of professional studies Data Science
% Document type, global settings, and packages
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\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %for italicized text
% Bibliography
%Add your bibliography file here
% prevent certain fields in references from printing in bibliography
% Start of Document
\doublespacing %set line spacing
% Title Page
\currentpdfbookmark{Title Page}{titlePage} %add PDF bookmark for this page
%copyright page
% This is the abstract
\setcounter{page}{2} % set the page number appropriately
% Acknowledgments
% Preface
% Abbreviations
% Glossary
% Nomenclature
% Dedication
% Table of Contents
% Format for Table of Contents
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\renewcommand{\cftsubsubsecafterpnum}{\vskip\baselineskip} %set correct spacing for entries in single space environment
%format title font size and position (this also applys to list of figures and list of tables)
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% List of figures and tables
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\setlength\cftbeforefigskip{\baselineskip} %manually set spacing between entries
% formatting
% resume page numbering for rest of document
% Adjust chapter title formatting
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{0pt}{0pt}{30pt} %controls vertical margins on title
% Adjust section title formatting
% Adjust subsection title formatting
% Adjust subsubsection title formatting
% Introduction
% Chapter 1
% Chapter 2
% Chapter 3
% Chapter 4
% Chapter 5
% References
\begin{singlespace} % use single-line spacing for multi-line text within a single reference
\setlength\bibitemsep{\baselineskip} %manually set separataion betwen items in bibliography to double space
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} %add References section to Table of Contents
% Appendices
% Vita
% Only for PhD students
% Masters students remove this line