Phenikaa Report Template
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
PKA template report LaTeX

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PKA template report LaTeX
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% 'draft' mode can be used to speed up compilation
% Draft watermark
% https://github.com/callegar/LaTeX-draftwatermark
% Encodings
% Better tables
% Wide tables go to https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/332902
% Better enum
% Graphics
% Add options for figures, like max width, framing, etc.
% References
% Use \Cref{} instead of \ref{}
% Sub-preambles
% https://github.com/MartinScharrer/standalone
% Configurations
\coursename{Course name h}
\reporttype{Report type h}
\title{Report title h}
\advisor{& Advisor h &}
& Student 1 & ID 1 \\
& Student 2 & ID 2 \\
& Student 3 & ID 3 \\
% Allow page breaks inside align* environment
% Makes a lot of things blue, avoid at all costs
% Set depth of numbering for counters
% Rename some sections
% Custom commands
% Allow page breaks inside align* environment
% Makes a lot of things blue, avoid at all costs
% Set depth of numbering for counters
% Rename some sections
% Custom commands
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Mục lục}}
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Mục lục hình ảnh}}
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Mục lục bảng}}
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\refname}{Các nguồn tài liệu than khảo}}
%\section*{Member list \& Workload}
% \begin{tabular}{>{\stepcounter{memberrowno}\thememberrowno}llcc}
% \toprule
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{No.}} & \textbf{Full name} & \textbf{Student ID} & \textbf{Contribution} \\
% \midrule
% & h & xxxxxxx & 100\% \\
% & h & xxxxxxx & 100\% \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
\section{Normal section}
This is how you normally work with \LaTeX, but you can also split a project into smaller files for easier management.
To import other files, you can use \mintinline{latex}{\input{}} or \mintinline{latex}{\include{}}.
There differences can be found at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/250}, but in short
\mintinline{latex}{\include{filename}} = \mintinline{latex}{\clearpage \input{filename} \clearpage}
\section{Label prefixes}
There are no definite rules for label prefixes, but you can use the following as a guideline.
\item \textbf{chap:} for chapters
\item \textbf{sec:} for sections
\item \textbf{subsec:} for subsections
\item \textbf{eq:} for equations
\item \textbf{fig:} for figures
\item \textbf{tab:} for tables
\item \textbf{enum:} for enumerators and items
\item \textbf{fn:} for footnotes
\item \textbf{lst:} for listings
\item \textbf{alg:} for algorithms
\item \textbf{app:} for appendices
The \mintinline{latex}{\caption} macro increases the used counter and sets the current label text which is used by \mintinline{latex}{\label}.
If you use \mintinline{latex}{\label} before it the old label text is used instead, which leads to a wrong number.
Always use \mintinline{latex}{\label} after \mintinline{latex}{\caption} and not before or in it.
That said, conventions are just conventions, and you can use whatever you want as long as you are consistent.