Reporte Tarea UACJ PhD
Roberto Contreras-Masse
Last Updated
för 5 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template to create reports, homework essays, papers, etc. for UACJ PhD Program
Template to create reports, homework essays, papers, etc. for UACJ PhD Program
%Template for PhD reports By: Roberto Contreras
%Comment out two column if need two column writing
%\documentclass[11pt, twocolumn]{report}
%Package to generate latin text (Only for testing)
%AMS packages for mathematical symbols
%package to include pictures and images
%Package to setup page layout
\usepackage[margin=1in, includefoot, includehead]{geometry}
%Uses hyperlinks in PDF (optional)
%Header and Footer Stuff
\fancyfoot[L]{Doctorado en Tecnología}
%bibliography packages
% Document Variables
\newcommand{\myTitle}{Enter Title}
\newcommand{\myName}{Enter Name}
\newcommand{\myClass}{Enter Name}
\newcommand{\myTecher}{Enter Name}
\newcommand{\myDate}{Enter Date}
%Document Start
\huge{\textbf{Universidad Autónoma\\de Ciudad Juárez}} \\
\textbf{\Large{Instituto de Ingeniería y Tecnología}}\\
\Large{Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y Manufactura}\\
\Large{Doctorado en Tecnología}\\
\textsc{\Large{\myTitle}} \\
\line(1,0){400} \\
\textsc{\Large \myName} \\
%If need adding sections, please uncomment next lines
%Before TOC
This is the summary section
%If need table of contents, please uncomment next lines
%Table of contents
%Start your text here