Reykjavík University Basic Report Template
Joseph Timothy Foley
Last Updated
för 8 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A basic report template for use at Reykjavík University
A basic report template for use at Reykjavík University
\documentclass[svn, draft]{rureport}
\svnid{$Id: example-techreport.tex 48 2014-10-23 15:40:52Z foley $}
% if you'd like the above information to be updated,
% use svn properties to set svn:keywords to for Id and URL (or HeadURL)
% Don't forget to set the draft to final before submitting
%% The default fixmes are: \fxnote{} \fxwarning{} \fxerror{} \fxfatal{} (same as \fixme{})
% if you want personalized fixmes, then register the authors here
% notice that the first field is 2 letters, the second is 3.
% this registers \jfnote{}, \jfwarning{}, \jferror{}, \jffatal{}
%% declare the paths(s) where you graphics files can be found
\author{Firstname~Lastname\formatemail{email11}} % My name, for the titlepage
\title{Basic Report Template} % The title, for the titlepage
\course{T-411-MECH Mechatronics 1}
\usepackage{hyperref} % must be last package loaded!
% it makes hyper-references (citations, URLs, etc) clickable
\begin{document} % this tells the compiler that it is time to make
% text to print instead of just getting ready.
\maketitle % make a title page from the Title, Date, and Author
%\section*{Errata} %%section* avoids putting a number
This template is heavily derived from one by Markéta Foley for the
T-106-LIFV Molecular biology course.
The report is an group assignment. Each group must write their own
report. You may discuss how to interpret the results of the experiment
with your classmates, but the report must be written in your own
words. If any part of your report is plagiarized (from another group,
the internet, or anywhere else) or your references are not properly
cited, you will receive a grade of zero on the entire assignment. This
is in compliance with Reykjav\'ik University's Code of
-- see Item 8 and General Rules on Study and Examinations}
-- see Article 4.5} \footnote{see also the document "Your Work -
Your Contribution" \url{}, available only in
Icelandic}. For your reference, here is a link to guidelines
defining plagiarism and discussing how to avoid it (from the
University of Oxford):
The report must be written in English in the form of a short technical
communication. Use full sentences and paragraphs; the report should
not be a collection of notes. The report should be in 11 or 12-pt
font, 1.5 line spacing. This template document demonstrates some of
the structure expected in the report.
The report must consist of the following sections:
\section{Introduction} % sections break up the document into pieces
State the objective(s) of the exercise. Ask yourself: \underline{Why}
did I design/create the item? What did I aim to achieve? What is the
problem I am trying to solve? How is my solution novel?
Provide background about the subject matter (How was morse code
developed? How is it used today?). Include the purpose of the
different equipment and your design intent. Include references to
relevant scientific/technical work and books. You must include at
least one reference other than \cite{carryer2011IntroMechatronics},
the textbook.
If you have specifications or related standards, these must be
described and cited also.
How was your system developed? Where did the concept come from? If
it went through multiple stages of design, describe them. Describe any
assumptions you make about how the system will be used and its
What are the requirements for the system?\footnote{What is the minimum
capabilities that are needed for ``success.''} What is the strategy
for meeting this requirements?
If there are certain environments/conditions that your system is
unable to reliably function within, describe them. Explain why these
limitations do not cause it to fail your stated requirements.
What was your testing strategy? What kinds of tests were performed? Be very specific. How did your system perform? Make sure that there is a table/list indicating your system's quantitative performance. As a simple example, refer to Table~\ref{table:testing}
{\bf Feature} &{\bf State} &{\bf Explanation}\\\hline
Ball rolls down \SI{30}{\degree} slope &Pass &\\\hline
Ball rolls up 10 stairs &Fail &Motor failed, replacement expected January 2013\\\hline
Ball stays inflated for 24 hours &Pass &\\\hline
Ball floats in water for 24 hours &Pass &\\\hline
\caption{Happy Fun Ball test results \label{table:testing}}
Who is the audience for your device? What knowledge/training does
the person using your device need to use
it? What further skills would be needed to develop your idea further?
How does the user install the software/hardware necessary to use your
device? If they have to download software, make sure that the
locations are here.
If multiple steps are involved, make sure that they are clear and specific. For example:
\item Turn on the computer
\item Start windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit
\item Login as a user with administrator privileges
\item Start a web browser
\item Goto \url{}
\item Install the appropriate version of TortoiseSVN for your platform. {\em Do not install version 1.7 if you use Solidworks!}
\item Reboot your computer
How does the user use the device/software? What sorts of commands do
they need to type? Are there things they should
avoid?\footnote{e.g. don't connect the power to ground or you will
cause a fire}
If the users need to write additional code to use your system, make
sure you give an example that works\footnote{For larger projects, you
would create an Application Programming Interface (API). We may
cover this later in the term, time willing.}.
\section{Results and Discussion}
In this section you discuss any issues that came up while developing
the system. If you found something particularly interesting,
difficult, or an important learning experience, put it here. This is
also a good place to put additional figures and data.
\caption{The logo of Reykjavík University}\label{fig:ru-logo}
\emph{NOTE: Figures and Tables need to be properly formatted and
referenced in the text. Number figures/tables consecutively, include
captions, and refer to the figures/tables in the text
e.g. Figure~\ref{fig:ru-logo}. Equations need to be numbered
consecutively as well. Equations need to have each of their
variables defined when they are first used or redefined. If you
need to refer to particular places in the document, use numbered
references. When you put a label{} command }
As an example of an equation, in Equation~\ref{eq:freq} is the relationship between angular frequency and hertz:
f = \frac{1}{T} = \frac{1}{2\pi\omega}\label{eq:freq}
where $f$ is frequency in \si{\hertz}, $T$ is period in \si{\second}, and
$\omega$ is angular frequency in \si{\radian\per\second}.
Note that the \ref{} and the \label{} must match when using \ref{}, it
has to be AFTER the item you are trying to point to or inside of it.
It is often safest to put inside e.g.:\begin{verbatim}\caption{This is
a caption\label{fig:mycaption}}\end{verbatim}
As an example of referring to a particular part of the document, the
Limitations are in Section~\ref{Limitations} on
Summarize the key capabilities of your system. Be specific and state
whether you met your original objectives/requirements. If you could
not, explain why. How did you compensate so that you could still
complete the system?
Finish the conclusion explaining why customers would care about this
system. Put it into the context of how it might be used as a product.
\subsection{Future work}
In this section, you explain how you could further develop the
idea/system to do more. Why would people be interested in these
additions? Roughly how much work would it take?
List your references (journal articles, textbook pages, etc.). Use the
IEEE citation style, referring to each reference with a consecutive
number in the body of the text and listing the references in the same
numerical order in the References section. Here is a link to a website
describing the IEEE citation style (from the University of
Since you are using \LaTeX{}, you don't need to worry about how it is formatted.
The formatting is taken care of by BibTeX or related tools. Read Chapter 7 of
The IEEETran.bst format file is included with the template, which is only needed if you are using BibTeX.
As an example of a citation, \cite{carryer2011IntroMechatronics} is
the textbook for T-411-MECH Mechatronics 1.
%If you are testing Biber/Biblatex, this citation contains Icelandic characters \cite{foley2013dustcloud}
\section{Design documents}
Put CAD drawings, additional sketches
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