Sample tikzposter Poster (Landscape)
LianTze Lim
Last Updated
för 5 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
is highly customizable: please see the style guide.
Some nice themes are available.
is highly customizable: please see the style guide.
Some nice themes are available.
%% Tikzposter is highly customizable: please see
%% Available themes: see also
% \usetheme{Default}
% \usetheme{Rays}
% \usetheme{Basic}
% \usetheme{Envelope}
% \usetheme{Wave}
% \usetheme{Board}
% \usetheme{Autumn}
% \usetheme{Desert}
%% Further changes to the title etc is possible
% \usetitlestyle{Default}
% \usetitlestyle{Basic}
% \usetitlestyle{Empty}
% \usetitlestyle{Filled}
% \usetitlestyle{Envelope}
% \usetitlestyle{Wave}
% \usetitlestyle{verticalShading}
\author{Me Me Me}
\title{Title title title}
\institute{ACME Institute}
%% Optional title graphic
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=7cm]{IMG_1934}}
%% Uncomment to switch off tikzposter footer
% \tikzposterlatexaffectionproofoff
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. What?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\note[rotate=8, connection, width = 7cm,
% roundedcorners=15, targetoffsetx=2cm
]{Oh wait! A note!}
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\block{Random Picture}{%
\begin{tikzfigure}[Figures in tikzposter]
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.
\block{A test!}{
\item We try to do this. what?
\item we try to do that.