Synopsis - GPGC Mansehra
Fahad Hussain
Last Updated
för 3 månader sedan
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A template for the synopsis, modified for Government postgraduate College, Mansehra.
\usepackage{mathptmx}% Times Roman font
\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}% Helvetica, served as a model for arial
\allsectionsfont{\normalsize \bfseries}
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% Information about the Thesis (All are compulsory, do not delete any line)
\university{Hazara University}
\college{Govt. Postgraduate College, Mansehra}
\department{Department of Physics}
\author{Fahad Hussain } %keep this space here
\supervisor{Dr. Saeed Ahmad}
%\directorname{Dr. Tariq Khan}
\hodname{Prof. Shahid Iqbal}
%\gpcname{Dr. Usman Habib}
\title{Electrochemical evaluation of nanocomposites for efficient energy storage devices}
\externalexaminer{Examiner}{Externel Examiner}
% Set of New Symbols Used in this Thesis
% If you are writing an oft-repeated symbol again and again, create an entry
% here.
% Former document starts below this
\pagenumbering{roman} %for the structural pages
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