LaTeX templates — Tsinghua University

Template for letter of recommendation for Tsinghua students majoring in CS.

A simple Tsinghua letterhead template.

在前人提供的清华大学Beamer模板的基础上加入了支持中文的功能. 使用xelatex可以成功编译.

Unofficial Tsinghua-themed Beamer template. This template is an adaptation of the OxPav template (originally made by Clara Eleonore Pavillet).

清华大学beamer中文模版,根据北大模版改编 A beamer template for Tsinghua University, based on PKU beamer template

清华大学近代物理实验报告(非官方)模版 基于2021春王老师的word模版,更新了英文摘要部分

This package establishes a simple and easy-to-use LaTeX template for Tsinghua dissertations, including general undergraduate research papers, masters theses, doctoral dissertations, and postdoc reports.

Thesis template for Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute.

LaTeX beamer theme for Tsinghua University students. Chinese support. GitHub page:
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