%----These packages are only needed for drafts-----%
\usepackage{lipsum} % used for dummy text
\usepackage[colorinlistoftodos,prependcaption,textsize=tiny]{todonotes}%to do list and comments
\usepackage{soul}%highlighting etc
%I use these routinely but may not be needed
%required for wrapping text around figures
%set up different captions
%set up two bibliographies for parts 1 and 2
%%%Fancy header settings. Remove draft parts for final
\rhead[A. N. Other]{A. N. Other}
\lhead[Short Title, Acronym, or other Ref]%
{Short Title, Acronym, or other Ref}
\rfoot[\textbf{Draft: \today}]{\textbf{Draft: \today}}%remove in final
References cited with \verb|\citeA{}| will appear in the first bibliography.\citeA{test2014}
References cited with \verb|\citeB{}| will appear in the second bibliography (at the end).\citeB{test2014}
You can \hl{highlight} or add comments \todo{like this} by using \verb|\hl{}| and \verb|\todo{}| respectively.
Comments will then be listed below.
\listoftodos%remove from final
\newpage% remove from final
\title{A brilliant proposal for the EPSRC prepared in \LaTeXe}
\author{A. N. Other}
\part{Previous track record}
\part{Description of proposed research and context}
\section{Vision, Aims and Context of the fellowship}
\section{Adventure and potential impact}
\item A
\item B
\item B
\section{Research Concept}
\caption{some caption}
\section{Background and Context}
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \arabic*:, align=left]
\item A
\item B
\item C
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries Objective \arabic*:, align=left]
\item A
\item B
\item B
\item C
\caption{A half width figure}
\bibliographyB{refs} %your .bib file