Thesis LaTex Template of Université Gustave Eiffel [English version]
C. Kantana
Last Updated
för 2 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a Template for Ph.D. dissertation written in English
% created on 2022-03-24
% @author : c. kantana
\documentclass[a4paper, twoside, 12pt]{report}
\geometry{top=1.5cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm}
\definecolor{UnivBlue}{RGB}{47, 42, 133}
\hspace{-0.6cm}{\LARGE \textcolor{UnivBlue}{\textbf{Titre de la thèse}}}\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}\textbf{Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Gustave Eiffel}\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}{École doctorale n° d’accréditation, dénomination et sigle}\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}{Spécialité de doctorat: voir annexe}\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}{Unité de recherche : voir annexe }\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}\textbf{Thèse présentée et soutenue à l’Université Gustave Eiffel,}\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}\textbf{le 10/12/2021, par : }\\
\hspace{-0.6cm}{\LARGE \textcolor{UnivBlue}{\textsc{\textbf{Prénom NOM}}}}\\
\hspace{2cm} \textbf{Composition du Jury}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{2cm} Président (e) du jury}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{2cm} Examinatrice}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Examinateur}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Rapportrice}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Rapporteur}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Invité}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2cm} \textbf{Encadrement de la thèse}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Directeur de thèse}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Co-Directrice de thèse}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Co-Encadrant de thèse}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
\hspace{2.6cm}\textbf{Prénom NOM} & \hspace{2cm}\multirow{2}{*}{\footnotesize \hspace{-0cm} Tuteur en entreprise}\\
\hspace{2.6cm}\footnotesize Titre, Affiliation & \\
I would like to express my gratitude ...
\vspace{220 mm}
\hfill \large \textit{"Citation"}
Abstract of Ph.D. in English.
Resume de la these en francais.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
\chapter*{List of Acronyms}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Acronyms}
\textbf{ABC} \centerline{Aaa Bbb Ccc}
\item Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3, “Title of paper”, Journal, Year, Tome, Pages.
\subsection*{International Conferences}
\item Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3, "Title of paper" Name of conference, City, Country, Year, Tome, Pages.
\subsection*{National Conferences}
\item Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3, "Title of paper", Title of conference, Date, City, Country.
Motivation behind Ph.D. work.
This thesis aims to address these questions through the following objectives:
This dissertation mainly focuses on:
\item Topic 1.
\item Topic 2.
\item Topic 3 ...
\section*{Main Contributions}
The main contributions of this dissertation are listed as follows:
\item Contribution 1:
\item Sub-contribution 1.
\item Sub-contribution 2.
\item Sub-contribution 3...
\item Contribution 2.
\item Contribution 3...
The Ph.D. work presented in this dissertation is funded by the X research project ...
The dissertation consists of X chapters.
Chapter 1 presents general concepts and the background ...
The principle of X is described in Chapter 2 ...
In Chapter 3, the problem X is investigated ...
A new approach is proposed in Chapter 4 to ...
Finally, we give the conclusion and perspectives.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusion and Perspectives}
\chapter*{Conclusion and Perspectives}
In this dissertation, we have focused on ...
This dissertation mainly focuses on three aspects ...
\item Aspect 1.
\item Aspect 2.
\item Aspect 3 ...
To extend this dissertation, some research works could be developed:
\item Perspective 1.
\item Perspective 2.
\item Perspective 3 ...
Further research works are currently in progress for submission, which are listed along with the abstract:
\item Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3, “Title of paper 1”.
$-$ Abstract: \textit{Abstract of paper}
\item Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3, “Title of paper 2”.
$-$ Abstract: \textit{Abstract of paper2}
\item Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3, “Title of paper 3”.
$-$ Abstract: \textit{Abstract of paper 3}
Abstract of Ph.D. in english
Resume de la these en francais