% Inserting the preamble file with the packages
% Inserting the references file
% Title
\title[XJTLU Beamer Template]{\huge\textbf{XJTLU Beamer Template}}
% Subtitle
\subtitle{Creating Presentations}
% Author of the presentation
% Institute's Name
% email for contact
% Department Name
\department{School of Advanced Technology}
% University name
\university{Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University}
% date of the presentation
%% Start Document of the Presentation %%
% insert the code style
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% First frame (with tile, subtitle, ...)
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Second frame
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This presentation is separated by sections and subsections
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>] % 当然,除了alert,手动在里面插 \pause 也行
\item This is a slide template created by latex for XJTLUers.
\item Overleaf \\ \url{https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/xjtlu-beamer-template/sfrvnnpcsmgh}
\item GitHub \\ \url{https://github.com/yaoshanliang/XJTLU-Beamer-Template}
\note {Write your notes.\\}
{Write your notes here}
\section{Literature Review}
\item Beamer is a powerful and flexible \LaTeX{} class to create great looking presentations. \url{https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Beamer}
\item Modify from Template Beamer UFC \cite{origin}
The visual design follows \href{https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/en/about/professional-services/centre-for-knowledge-and-information/university-marketing-and-communications/visual-identity-assets}{\emph{VISUAL IDENTITY ASSETS}} from XJTLU.
\item {XJTLU \example{NAVY} (RGB: 1, 54, 68)}
\item {XJTLU \example{PURPLE} (RGB: 206, 87, 193)}
% Blocks styles
\begin{block}{Block I}
\begin{alertblock}{Block II}
\begin{exampleblock}{Block III}
\successbox{Success box}
\alertbox{Alert box}
\simplebox{Simple box}
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{frame}{Algorithms (pseudocode)}
\Input{x: float, y: float}
\Output{r: float}
r = x + y\;
\eIf{r >= 30}{
``O valor de $r$ é maior ou iqual a 10.''\;
``O valor de $r$ = '', r\;
\caption{Algorithm Example}
\begin{block}{Equation without numbers}
J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta}[G_t] = \sum_{s\in\mathcal{S}} d^\pi (s)V^\pi(s)=\sum_{s\in\mathcal{S}} d^\pi(s)\sum_{a\in\mathcal{A}}\pi_\theta(a|s)Q^\pi(s,a)
% \begin{exampleblock}{Multiple equations\footnote{If containing text in equations,use $\backslash$mathrm\{\} or $\backslash$text\{\}}}
% \begin{align}
% Q_\mathrm{target}&=r+\gamma Q^\pi(s^\prime, \pi_\theta(s^\prime)+\epsilon)\\
% \epsilon&\sim\mathrm{clip}(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma), -c, c)\nonumber
% \end{align}
% \end{exampleblock}
\begin{block}{Equation with numbers}
% Taken from Mathmode.tex
A=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\Delta x\left(a^{2}+\left(a^{2}+2a\Delta x+\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\right.\label{eq:reset}\\
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot2a\Delta x+2^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot3a\Delta x+3^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
\left.+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot(n-1)a\Delta x+(n-1)^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\right)\\
%\begin{frame}[fragile]{\LaTeX{} Commands}
% \begin{exampleblock}{Commands}
% \centering
% \footnotesize
% \begin{tabular}{llll}
% \cmd{chapter} & \cmd{section} & \cmd{subsection} & \cmd{paragraph} \\
% Chapter & Section & Subsection & Paragraph \\\hline
% \cmd{centering} & \cmd{emph} & \cmd{verb} & \cmd{url} \\
% Centre Align & Emphasis & Verbatim & Hyperlink \\\hline
% \cmd{footnote} & \cmd{item} & \cmd{caption} & \cmd{includegraphics} \\
% Foodnote & Item & Caption & FigP\&Pic \\\hline
% \cmd{label} & \cmd{cite} & \cmd{ref} \\
% Label & Citing & Referring\\\hline
% \end{tabular}
% \end{exampleblock}
% \begin{exampleblock}{Environment Command}
% \centering
% \footnotesize
% \begin{tabular}{lll}
% \env{table} & \env{figure} & \env{equation}\\
% Table & Figure & Equation \\\hline
% \env{itemize} & \env{enumerate} & \env{description}\\
% Bullets & Numbering & Description \\\hline
% \end{tabular}
% \end{exampleblock}
\caption{Logo of XJTLU.}
\source{Description of XJTLU}
1& 2& \\
3& 4& \\
5& 6&
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% This frame show an example to insert multi-columns
É possível colocar mais de uma coluna utilizando os comandos de $\backslash$begin\{column\}\{\} e $\backslash$end\{column\}
Porém, o espaçamento deve ser proporcional entre as colunas para que estas colunas não entrem em coflito. O espaçamento é dado pelo segundo argumento do $\backslash$begin.
É possível colocar mais de uma coluna utilizando os comandos de $\backslash$begin\{column\}\{\} e $\backslash$end\{column\}
Porém, o espaçamento deve ser proporcional entre as colunas para que estas colunas não entrem em coflito. O espaçamento é dado pelo segundo argumento do $\backslash$begin.
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% Reference frames
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Final frame
\huge{\textbf{\example{Thank You !}}}