Anirban Bhattacharya's résumé
Anirban Bhattacharya
Last Updated
för 5 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Anirban Bhattacharya's résumé as a Electrical Engineer Fresher. Created using the Forty Seconds CV template.
Anirban Bhattacharya's résumé as a Electrical Engineer Fresher. Created using the Forty Seconds CV template.
% FortySecondsCV LaTeX template
% Copyright © 2019 René Wirnata <>
% Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.
% Attributions
% ------------
% * fortysecondscv is based on the twentysecondcv class by Carmine Spagnuolo
% (, released under the MIT license and available under
% * further attributions are indicated immediately before corresponding code
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% profile picture
% your name
\cvname{Anirban \\Bhattacharya}
% job title/career
\cvjobtitle{Electrical Engineer,\\[0.2em] 2018}
% date of birth
\cvbirthday{December 10, 1994}
% short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvaddress{Mondal Para Lane, Kolkata 700090}
% phone number
\cvphone{+91 8902391067}
% email address
% add additional information
% \newcommand{\additional}{some more?}
% overwrite default icons and order of personal information
% \renewcommand{\personaltable}{%
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% \circleicon{\faKey} & \cvkey \\
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% \circleicon{\faInfo} & \cvbirthday \\
% % add another line
% \circleicon{\faQuestion} & \additional
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% }
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% include gosquare national flags from;
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\profilesection{Hard Skills}
\skill{\faGraduationCap}{Electrical Engineering}
\skill{\faGraduationCap}{Expertise in Data structure - DBMS}
\skill{\faGraduationCap}{Technical expertise in Matlab,PSpice}
\skill{\faGraduationCap}{Proficiency in C++, Java}
\membership{pics/Pic1.jpg}{ /anirbanb101}
\membership{pics/In.png}{ /anirban-bhattacharya-90598618b/}
\membership{pics/Unknown.jpg}{ /np/ins/english/learning.htm}
\vspace{1 cm}
\profilesection{Soft Skills}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Dedicated towards responsibilities}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Exhibit extreme professionalism}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Maintains professional attitude}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Maintains professional integrity}
\pointskill{\faComment}{Motivated and Energetic}{5}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Eager to learn}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{Adjusts with work environment}
\barskill{\faSitemap}{Team building}{90}
\barskill{\faTasks}{Project implementation}{70}
\barskill{\faGraduationCap}{Data analysis}{80}
\barskill{\faInfo}{Business Analysis}{90}
\vspace{2 cm}
\cvsection{About me}
An enthusiastic fresher with highly motivated and leadership skills having bachelors of engineering degree in Electrical Engineering. \newline \newline Eager to join professional world with keen interest to implement and calibrate technical skill set in professional world.
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\cvitem{2018}{Technical developer and contributor}{}{
Developed technical algorithm for \textbf{Fabrication of High Voltage Dazer}. Electronic Dazer is modern, portable, personal protection appliance.}
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\cvsection{Industrial Acquintance}
\cvitem{2017}{Indian Railways}{Kolkata}{Hands on experience in lighting power generations and the air conditioning of a train}
\cvitem{2017}{Metro Rail}{Kolkata}{Technical exposure with different high voltage transformers, used by Kolkata Metro}
\vspace{1 cm}
\subsection{\textbf{Technical qualification}}
\cvitem{2014 -- 2018}{Bachelor of Engineering}{AICTE}
{BE in \textbf{Electrical Engineering} from Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology \\ \\ 7.24 \\ 2018}
{Science with Physics, Chemistry and Maths \\ 74.75\%}
\cvitemshort{Language training}{German Language from Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture}
\vspace{1 cm}
\cvsection{Awards and recognition}
\cvitem{2014-2018}{IEEE Student Chapter}
{\\Successfully participated in IEEE Student chapter}{\textbf{P}ower and \textbf{E}nergy society\\}
\cvitem{2014-2018}{Secured First class in BE Engineering}{AICTE}{}
\cvitem{2018}{Excellence in German Language}{Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture}{}
\vspace{3 cm}
\cvsection{Soft skill set}
\cvitemshort{\textbf{MS Office}}{Expertise in MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, MS Word}
\cvitemshort{\textbf{Report Writing}}{Professional report using MS Word, Google Doc, Prezi}
\cvitemshort{\textbf{Stay Connected}}{Social and professional networking across various platforms}
\vspace{1 cm}
\cvsection{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cvitemshort{Chess}{Participated at school level chess championship}
\cvitemshort{Quiz}{Participated and acclaimed winner position in various competitions}
\cvitemshort{Games and sports}{Soccer, Cricket}
\vspace{2 cm}
\cvitemshort{Mr. Yadav Roy}{Senior Section engineer of AC coaching Indian railways - Indian Railways}
\cvitemshort{Mr.Asit Das}{Senior Section Engineer of Power House/Substation - Indian Railways}
\cvitemshort{Mr. Tiwary Yadav}{Senior Section Enginner of Train lighting - Indian Railways}
\cvitemshort{Mr. Anirban Sanyal}{Research Officer in Reserve Bank of India}