Nazmus Saadat As-Saquib's CV
Nazmus Saadat As-Saquib
Last Updated
för 5 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Nazmus Saadat As-Saquib's CV. Created from the Medium Length Professional CV template.
Nazmus Saadat As-Saquib's CV. Created from the Medium Length Professional CV template.
% Medium Length Graduate Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (3/28/15)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
% (
% Modified by:
% Daniel L Marks <> 3/28/2015
% Important note:
% This template requires the res.cls file to be in the same directory as the
% .tex file. The res.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the
% document.
% You can have multiple style options the legal options ones are:
% centered: the name and address are centered at the top of the page
% (default)
% line: the name is the left with a horizontal line then the address to
% the right
% overlapped: the section titles overlap the body text (default)
% margin: the section titles are to the left of the body text
% 11pt: use 11 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts
% 12pt: use 12 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts
% Default font is the helvetica postscript font
\definecolor{royalblue}{rgb}{0.25, 0.41, 0.88}
% Increase text height
\name{\textcolor{royalblue} {Nazmus Saadat As-Saquib}}
% Note that addresses can be used for other contact information:
% -phone numbers
% -email addresses
% -linked-in profile
\hspace*{0pt}\hfill\\\hspace*{0pt}\hfill \\
\address{ \\(+880) 1521227101\\}
% Uncomment to add a third address
%\address{Address 3 line 1\\Address 3 line 2\\Address 3 line 3}
{\color{royalblue} \section{OBJECTIVE}}
{\sl A fresh B.Sc engineering graduate currently looking for a full-time teaching position. I would like to utilize my skills and experience as well as my passion for teaching to train and educate young minds. Moreover, I would like to work with other professionals to improve my skills as an educator which will allow me to further contribute in the field of education. }
{\color{royalblue} \section{EDUCATION}}
\textcolor{royalblue}{\textbf{Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) }, Dhaka}\\
{\sl Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)}\\
Currently studying
\textcolor{royalblue}{\textbf{Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) }, Dhaka}\\
{\sl Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)}\\
April, 2019
\hfill CGPA: 3.78/4.00
\textcolor{royalblue} {\textbf{Chittagong Govt. College}, Chittagong Education Board} \\
{\sl Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)}\\
August 2014
\hfill GPA: 5.00/5.00
\textcolor{royalblue} {\textbf{Chittagong Collegiate School}, Chittagong Education Board} \\
{\sl Higher Secondary Certificate (SSC)}\\
August 2012
\hfill GPA: 5.00/5.00
% Modify the format of each position
%\textbf{LNMIIT : Physics Lab Teaching Assistant \hfill{Aug 18 - Dec 18}\\}
%\normalfont{Explaining theory behind different experiments to 1st-year Undergraduate \\student and guiding them in lab practicals}
{\color{royalblue} \section{RESEARCH\\EXPERIENCE}}
\textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Tuning of Thermal Conductivity of Monolayer Gallium Nitride Nano-ribbon: An Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study}}\\
Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics simulations using Stillinger-Weber potential has been deployed to compute the thermal conductivity of the nanometer-sized zigzag monolayer GaN nano-ribbon(NR). Thermal transport dependence of monolayer GaN-NR on the variation of length and width are explored. Furthermore, the impact of aluminium and indium doping on the thermal conductivity of monolayer GaN-NR are also investigated.
{\color{royalblue} \section{PROJECTS}}
\item Recognition System for Hand Gesture Communication using kNN
\item {EEG Brain Signal Controlled Wheel Chair}
\item {Face Recognition System using Principal Component Analysis and Eigen Face Method}
\item {32-bit Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS)}
\item {Weather Monitoring and Automated Temperature-Humidity Controlling System}
\item {Isolated Bangla Digit Recognition using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Artificial Neural Network(ANN)}
\item {Design of Ku-Band S-Shaped Micro strip Patch Antenna}
\item Design and Implementation of a 4-bit SAP (Simple As Possible) Computer
\item Design of A Solar PV (Photovoltaic) System for a Home
\item Electrical Services Design for a One-Storied Building
\item Pulse Rate Measurement Device
\item Automated Water Level Controller in Water Reservoirs
\item Boost Converter: A pSpice Simulation
{\color{royalblue} \section{TECHNICAL\\SKILLS}}
\textcolor{royalblue} {\textbf{Software Languages: }} Python, C++, C, MATLAB, Arduino, Intel-8086 Assembly Language, Verilog
\textcolor{royalblue} {\textbf{Simulation Software:}} MATLAB, Simulink, LAMMPS, OVITO, VNL, CADENCE, PSPICE, PSAF, QUARTUS II, Proteus, Ansoft HFSS, AutoCAD, MASM, Emu8086
\textcolor{royalblue}{\textbf{General: }} Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Signal Processing
{\color{royalblue} \section{AWARDS}}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Dean’s List Award}}, awarded for academic excellence at undergraduate }\\
\normalfont{\textbullet{} \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {University Merit Scholarship }}, awarded for academic excellence at undergraduate }\\
\normalfont{\textbullet{} \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Board Scholarship (General)}}, Higher Secondary Certificate Examination}\\
\normalfont{\textbullet{} \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Second Runner-Up (2010)}} , Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad}
{\color{royalblue} \section{RELEVANT\\COURSES}}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Computer Programming in C and C++ }
\normalfont{ \textbullet{} DC and AC Circuit Analysis \\}
\normalfont{ \textbullet{} Analog Electronic Circuit }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Digital Electronics }
\normalfont{ \textbullet{} Solid State Devices\\}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Analog Integrated Circuit }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Semiconductor Device Theory }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} VLSI \\}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Analog Signal and Linear Systems }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Digital Signal Processing }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Electromagnetics \\}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Microwave Engineering }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Communication System }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Mobile Cellular Communication }
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Control System }
{\color{royalblue} \section{ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES}}
\normalfont{ \textbullet{} Academic Team Member, \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad}} \\}
\normalfont{\textbullet{} Volunteering experience, \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Bangladesh Physics Olympiad}} \\ }
\normalfont{ \textbullet{} Writer and contributor of several published textbooks and supplementary books related to Secondary and Higher Secondary level physics, chemistry and mathematics, \textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Joykoly Publicaations Ltd and Panjeree Publications Ltd. }} \\}
{\color{royalblue} \section{REFREES}}
\textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Dr. Samia Subrina }}\\
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering\\
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)\\
Mobile: +880 1937959083\\
\textbf{\textcolor {royalblue} {Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman}}\\
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering\\
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)\\
Mobile: +880 1552347884\\