Periodic Table of the Elements
Marcelo Videa
Last Updated
för 7 år sedan
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
periodic table with all the known elements in Spanish
periodic table with all the known elements in Spanish
\textcolor[rgb]{0.15,0.15,0.55}{{\huge \bf \sc \hspace{-1cm} Tabla Periódica de los Elementos}\\[-0.3cm]}
{\small 1} &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \small 2\\[-1mm]
H &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& He\\[-2mm]
\small \hspace{1.6mm}1.008\hspace{1.65mm} &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \small \hspace{1.55mm}4.003\hspace{2.25mm}\\\cline{1-2}\cline{13-18}
\small 3 & \small 4 &&&&&&&&&&& \small 5 & \small 6 & \small 7 & \small 8 & \small 9 & \small 10\\[-1mm]
Li & Be &&&&&&&&&&& B & C & N & O & F & Ne\\[-2mm]
\small 6.941 & \small 9.012\hspace{0.5mm} &&&&&&&&&&& \small 10.81 & \small 12.011 & \small 14.007 & \small 15.999& \small 18.998 & \small 20.180 \\[-1mm]\cline{1-2}\cline{13-18}
\small 11 & \small 12 &&&&&&&&&&& \small 13 & \small 14 & \small 15 & \small 16 & \small 17 & \small 18\\[-1mm]
Na & Mg &&&&&&&&&&& Al & Si & P& S & Cl& Ar\\[-2mm]
\small \hspace{0.75mm}22.990\hspace{0.8mm} & \small \hspace{0.83mm}24.305\hspace{0.83mm} &&&&&&&&&&& \small \hspace{0.8mm}26.981\hspace{0.78mm} & \small \hspace{0.95mm}28.085\hspace{0.73mm} & \small \hspace{0.8mm}30.974\hspace{0.8mm} & \small 32.066 & \small \hspace{0.8mm}35.453\hspace{0.8mm} & \small 39.948\\
\small 19 & \small 20 & \small 21 & \small 22 & \small 23 & \small 24 & \small 25 & \small 26 & \small 27 & \small 28 & \small 29 & \small 30 & \small 31 & \small 32 & \small 33 & \small 34 & \small 35 & \small 36\\
K & Ca & Sc & Ti & V & Cr & Mn & Fe & Co & Ni & Cu & Zn & Ga & Ge & As & Se & Br & Kr\\[-2mm]
\small 39.098 & \small 40.078 & \small 44.956 & \small 47.88 & \small 50.941 & \small 51.996 & \small 54.938 & \small 55.847 & \small 58.933 & \small 58.69 & \small 63.546 & \small 65.39 & \small 69.72 & \small 72.61 & \small 74.922 & \small 78.96 & \small 79.904 & \small 83.80\\[-1mm]
\small 37 & \small 38 & \small 39 &\small 40& \small 41 & \small 42 & \small 43 & \small 44 & \small 45 & \small 46 & \small 47 & \small 48 & \small 49 & \small 50 & \small 51 & \small 52 & \small 53 & \small 54\\[-1mm]
Rb & Sr & Y & Zr & Nb & Mo & Tc & Ru & Rh & Pd & Ag & Cd & In & Sn & Sb & Te & I & Xe\\[-2mm]
\small 85.468 & \small 87.62 & \small 88.906 & \small 91.224 & \small 92.906 & \small 95.94 & \small (98) & \small 101.07 & \small 102.905 & \small 106.42 & \small 107.868 & \small 112.41 & \small 114.82 & \small 118.710 & \small 121.757 & \small 127.60 & \small 126.905 & \small 131.29\\[-1mm]
\small 55 & \small 56 & \small 57 & \small 72 & \small 73 & \small 74 & \small 75 & \small 76 & \small 77 & \small 78 & \small 79 & \small 80 & \small 81 & \small 82 & \small 83 & \small 84 & \small 85 & \small 86\\[-1mm]
Cs & Ba & *La & Hf & Ta & W & Re & Os & Ir & Pt & Au & Hg & Tl & Pb & Bi & Po & At & Rn\\[-2mm]
\small 132.905 & \small 137.33 & \small 138.905 & \small 178.49 & \small 180.948 & \small 183.85 & \small 186.207 & \small 190.2 & \small 192.22 & \small 195.08 & \small 196.967 & \small 200.59 & \small 204.383 & \small 207.2 & \small 208.980 & \small (209) & \small (210) & \small (222)\\
\small 87 & \small 88 & \small 89 & \small 104 & \small 105 & \small 106 & \small 107 & \small 108 & \small 109 & \small 110 & \small 111 & \small 112 & \small 113 & \small 114 & \small 115 & \small 116 & \small 117 & \small 118 \tabularnewline [-1mm]
Fr & Ra & $^\dagger$Ac & Rf & Db & Sg & Bh & Hs & Mt & Ds & Rg & Cn & Nh & Fl & Mc & Lv & Ts & Og\tabularnewline [-2mm]
\small (223) & \small 226.025 & \small 227.028 & \small (261) & \small (262) & \small (263) & \small (262) & \small (265) & \small (266) & \small (271) & \small (272) & & & & & & & \\
&\small 58 & \small 59 & \small 60 & \small 61 & \small 62 & \small 63 & \small 64 & \small 65 & \small 66 & \small 67 & \small 68 & \small 69 & \small 70 & \small 71 \\[-1mm]
\sc *Lantánidos & Ce & Pr & Nd & Pm & Sm & Eu & Gd & Tb & Dy & Ho & Er & Tm & Yb & Lu\\[-2mm]
&\small 140.12 & \small 140.908 & \small 144.24 & \small (145) & \small 150.36 & \small 151.96 & \small 157.25 & \small 158.925 & \small 162.50 & \small 164.930 & \small 167.26 & \small 168.934 & \small 173.04 & \small 174.967 \\[-1mm]
&\small 90 & \small 91 & \small 92 & \small 93 & \small 94 & \small 95 & \small 96 & \small 97 & \small 98 & \small 99 & \small 100 & \small 101 & \small 102 & \small 103 \\[-1mm]
\sc $\dagger$Actínidos & Th & Pa & U & Np & Pu & Am & Cm & Bk & Cf & Es & Fm & Md & No & Lr\\[-2mm]
&\small 232.038 & \small 231.036 & \small 238.029 & \small 237.048 & \small (244) & \small (243) & \small (247) & \small (247) & \small (251) & \small (252) & \small (257) & \small (258) & \small (259) & \small (260)\\