% template.tex - version (5/26/2011)
% This is a template file for the osudiss-2 class. See
% osudiss-2.pdf for documentation, and the GS material
% for the requirements.
% Copy the following osudiss-2 files your latex path (or just the folder containing this file):
% osudiss-2.cls (v0.9.1)
% sa-draftwater.sty
% Then, to compile this file:
% latex template
% bibtex template
% latex template
% latex template
% (You can also use pdflatex if you prefer.)
\documentclass[11pt, double, phd]{osudiss-2}
% The `11pt' option is unnecessary since it is the default
% `onehalf' sets the line spacing to one-and-a-half spacing instead of
% double spacing.
% The `phd' option is unnecessary since it is the default
% Remove `draft' option for final draft
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Load your favorite packages here
\usepackage{graphicx} % for importing images in figures - you definitely want this!
\usepackage{lipsum} % for fake latin text---you probably don't want this
% For instance... see osudiss-2.pdf for some suggestions, if you don't
% have a clue
\usepackage{bm} % for bold math---useful
\usepackage{booktabs} % for more professional tables
%hyperref packages and options
\usepackage{bookmark} % helps booksmarks look better in PDF
%hypersetup option 'breaklinks' is reguired for line wrapping in the table of contents during latex compilation, and can be removed if you use pdflatex
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue, breaklinks} %internal links in blue, citations in green
%\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, breaklinks} %all links in black
%Use of natbib is STRONGLY recommended to sort and compress your references within each citation
%With these options, natbib will convert i.e. [5,3,9,4] to [3-5, 9]
%required to have latex automatically generate subfigures (i.e. (a), (b) etc)
%\usepackage{hyperref}% http://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref
%load glossaries packages
\usepackage[acronym, section=chapter]{glossaries}
%\usepackage[xindy,acronym, section=chapter]{glossaries} - recommended if supported by your OS
\makeglossaries %required to actually make a glossary
\include{acronyms} %load list of acronyms contained in acronyms.tex
%The following commands can be used to help deal with "overfull hbox" issues
%See, for example, http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=overfull for details
%\pretolerance 1000
%\tolerance 1000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Custom Commands/Environments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Put your favorite custom commands here
\newcommand{\fish}{\alpha} % some of my students call it the "fish" symbol
%Print list of abbreviations - use same font as List of Figures and List of Tables for the title, and same formatting in the table of contents.
% Argument #1 - title for list of abbreviations (i.e. List of Abbreviations)
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={\protect {\typesetLevelTwo{#1}}}]
\bfseries Abstract
% Below is an example of customizing the style of headings in your
% dissertation. See osudiss-2.pdf for more information.
% For example, if you simply must have uppercase titles:
% Note the \par for \typesetLevelOne
% If you want the title to be bold and |\Large| instead of |\Huge|:
% Add words that TeX may not know how to hyphenate below. This can
% help prevent overfull hboxes. For example,
\hyphenation{eigen-state space-time}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Metadata %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title{Studies in particle astrophysics with the ANITA experiment}
\author{Oindree Banerjee}
\advisorname{Amy Connolly}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy} % Default value
\member{James Beatty}
\member{Christopher Hirata}
\member{Christopher Orban}
\unit{Graduate Program in Physics}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\dedication{Dedicated to Kris Dunlap and Dad} % Optional, and seriously not this lame
% list of figures (comment out if you don't have any figures)
\clearpage %remove if you don't want a page break before list of figures
% list of tables (comment out if you don't have any tables)
%\clearpage %remove if you don't want a page break before list of tables
%print glossary - comment out if you don't want this. Make sure you also add \glsdisablehyper if you don't want to print a glossary, but do use the %glossaries package to keep track of acronyms
\clearpage %remove if you don't want a page break before list of abbreviations
\PrintListofAbbreviations{List of Abbreviations} %Title is in { } - change if desired
% We use BIBTeX for the bibliography---you don't have to
% \nocite{*} % To display all refs, even uncited refs (useful when editting)
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % use your favorite BIBTeX style
% If for some reason you are anti-BIBTeX, then you would use the
% following instead of the above:
% ...
% Note: GS 2010 requires bibliography/references _before_ the appendix
% if you believe their guidelines; however, conversations with GS
% staff suggests _they don't care_. Go figure. So do what you like.