overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates and examples — Recent
Discover LaTeX templates and examples to help with everything from writing a journal article to using a specific LaTeX package.

I adapted the Jacobs Landscape Poster LaTeX Template created by the Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University to have a simple, classic LaTeX look, and included colours specified by the Dalhousie brand guide. The original template I had built upon is also on the Overleaf Gallery with the heading "Unnecessarily Complicated Research title. Created by: Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University Further modified by: Nathaniel Johnston (nathaniel@njohnston.ca) Modified further still by: Abraham Nunes (nunes <at> dal <dot> ca) License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

The Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal published and financed by the Beilstein-Institut. The journal publishes original articles on all aspects of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. It provides a broad coverage of both fundamental and applied research, including aspects of chemistry, physics and biology as well as materials science and engineering.

Modèle simple à utiliser pour un rapport de l'Université de Sherbrooke

Based on a TeXnicCenter-Template, which was created by Christoph Börensen and slightly modified by Tino Weinkauf.

Modelo Canônico de Dissertação - ICEI PUC Minas Publicado pelo ICEI para alunos da Instituição

Exemple de MCOT pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017. L'idée est de laisser LaTeX gérer la bibliographie en la complétant au passage via l'utilisation de scholar.google.fr pour les recherches et la récupération des entrée BibTeX comme décrit dans cette vidéo.

Série de Estudos Bíblicos sobre as Parábolas proferidas por Jesus Cristo

This file provides two minimal examples of typesetting parallel texts with reledmac plus reledpar. The first minimal example is parallel typesetting in columns, the second one is parallel typesetting in pages.

This is the partial source code and images of Edible Food Book, a CC-BY-SA-3.0 book. Copyright © 2013 Abdelkrime Aries <kariminfo0@gmail.com> Some fonts and colours have been modified from the original. This template contains only nuts, cereals and pulses (grain legumes), and the images have been resized to save disk space. You can see the complete output PDF here, or get the complete source at the original Github site.
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