Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, assignments, letters, project reports, and more. Search or browse below.
计算机学报模板,在官方模板基础上修改,适配Overleaf XeLaTex环境,增加参考文献样式,同时修复一些bug。官方模板地址
Template for Chinese Journal of Computers. This version is modified based on the official version. It is now capable with Overleaf XeLaTeX. Official site:
Plantilla de diapositivas BEAMER para presentaciones de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.
Actualización: en la leyenda de cada «Figura» al color de la facultad
Modularized template for a thesis at the university of würzburg. It allows for flexible and individual adjustments and serves as template for bachelor and/or master theses.