overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Template oficial para escrita de teses e dissertações do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais.

This template is a translation of the Swedish Overleaf report template: "Luleå University of Technology lab report template (TVM department)", which was authored by Magnus Gustafsson and colleagues at Luleå University of Technology. If you have any comments or requests, please get in touch with Andreas Almqvist, see https://bit.ly/almqvist

Adapted from the ITI template by Yavuz Koroglu, June-2023 ITI template: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/presentation-template-for-institute-of-technical-informatics/fbqqsthyqpcj Adapted from TU Graz Template for ITI by Michael Krisper, Sept-2020 Original Author: Maria Eichlseder Design based on the PowerPoint template by Christina Fraueneder Re-using some elements of the 2013 LaTeX template by Thomas Quaritsch both available at https://tu4u.tugraz.at/bedienstete/organisation-und-administration/vorlagen-und-corporate-design/downloads-und-anwendungen-logoformate-und-vorlagen/designlinien-und-vorlagen-download/charakteristika-designlinie-ic/vorlagen-download-designlinie-ic/ See also https://latex.tugraz.at/vorlagen/tugraz and https://github.com/quam426/tugPoster

Template 2 del Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas Versión 1

El presente documento presenta el formato en Normas APA Séptima Edición para realizar el Trabajo de Grado para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Pamplona.

PhD thesis latex template: NUAA – Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Designed by. Nasrullah Khan, PhD Scholar (Computer Science), email: nasrullahsays@gmail.com

Wzorzec pracy dyplomowej inżynierskiej lub magisterskiej do wykorzystania przez studentów Wydziału Informatyki Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytety Technologicznego. Obowiązuje od semestru letniego w roku akademickim 2022/2022 (semestr zimowy).

Vorlage für ComTec Abschlussarbeiten

XSYUthesis_xelatex is an unofficial XeLaTeX template for preparing master, or doctor thesis in Xi'an Shiyou University. 本模板的默认封面为学术型硕士封面。 论文和作者的相关信息可在XSYUthesis.cfg文件中进行修改。 参考文献在./bib/tex.bib文件中录入。百度学术和谷歌学术均支持BibTeX格式导出,但其中夹杂很多不规范的条目,应注意进行检查。
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