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Papers, presentations, reports and more, written in LaTeX and published by our community.

Bad Math Journal

"ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter LaTeX Template Version 1.1 (9/12/12) This template has been downloaded from: http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com Original author: Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com) License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) Important note: This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes used for structuring the document.

Eraldo Barbosa's CV

MATLAB final report for MATH 210-01

In this experiment, AP Psychology 5th period asked the question "Does having a Christmas environment make shoppers more likely to choose holiday items rather than year-round ones?" The objective of this experiment was to answer this question. Also, a purpose of this experiment was to see, if the Christmas environment did, indeed, influence purchases, then to what extent? Two JROTC groups from 5th period were randomly selected, made their way to the AP Psychology classroom, and went on a shopping trip. These groups were in two different environments, non-Christmas and Christmas. Each environment had both non-Christmas and Christmas items to choose from. Data was collected from observers, "food cards", as well as pre and post surveys. Their data was collected and analyzed to see if the Christmas environment had any impact on whether students chose the Christmas items. After deep analysis, it can be seen that the Christmas environment influenced student's "purchases" (they did not actually have to buy the items). Although the first group (neutral environment) did not solely choose year-round items and the second group (Christmas environment) did not solely choose Christmas items, differences in purchases between the groups can still be noted. During the discussion with the subjects, some feel as though they were directly influenced by the Christmas decorations or lack thereof, while others say that they chose subconsciously.

Created using the ModernCV template

Minería de datos con Weka para la predicción del precio de automóviles de segunda mano

juego de ajedrez

Uno de los fenómenos más extendidamente estudiados y considerados en la Cosmología Observacional es el corrimiento al rojo. En particular, el corrimiento al rojo gravitacional es la tendencia de la luz proveniente de los cúmulos de galaxias (galaxy clusters en inglés) a correrse hacia el rojo en su espectro electromagnético que llega a la Tierra, debido a los pozos de potencial gravitacional que traspasa a la hora de desplazarse hasta nosotros. Se sabe que este corrimiento es proporcional a estas diferencias del potencial gravitacional entre una y otra región dentro de los cúmulos, y es más observado sobretodo en aglomeraciones más densas de estrellas; por lo cual está considerado como fenómeno de gran escala en cosmología. En años recientes (Wojtak, 2011) (Croft, 2013), se ha mostrado cómo la fenomenología del corrimiento al rojo gravitacional va de la mano con lo propuesto por la teoría de la Relatividad General de Einstein, ya con un siglo de antigüedad, y su vertiente contemporánea más exitosa dentro de la cosmología: el modelo ΛCDM. Teorías modificadas de la gravedad como f(R) y MOND-TeVeS se han prestado a comparaciones en los últimos años. Se describe pues aquí un poco de los resultados de estos análisis comparativos recientes, para corrimientos al rojo gravitacionales de cúmulos de galaxias.
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