Template for Proof/Problem submissions in our MATH 3318 class.
Scientific publication template or paper for beginners.
Template em LaTeX com exemplos das funções mais básicas
Template for multivariable calculus homework, including code for common formatting.
Use this template to get started with LaTeX
This is a formal write-up of the first theorem we proved in class. You can use this as a template for your own write-ups. The notes in the comments of the code should provide a brief introduction to using LaTeX.
Simpel skabelon/template/preamble til foredraget "LaTeX for Begyndere" for Mat/Fys Studenterråd ved Aarhus Universitet (Februar 2019).
A simple initial exercise to get students started with LaTeX and Overleaf.
An example of generating PDF/A and PDF/X documents using the pdfx package on Overleaf.
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