LaTeX templates — Journal articles
Discover a wide range of academic journal LaTeX templates for articles and papers which automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal.

Template to help the authors to produce articles to "Revista Pesquisa Operacional"

This template, based on the ACM template acmart.cls, is intended for use in submission to the journal Maple Transactions (see

Esta es la plantilla para los artículos que se envían a la revista CEDAMAZ de la Universidad Nacional de Loja

Este templat foi disponibilizado pelo professor Clodomir Neto por meio do link do GitHub.

This template is derived from the GigaScience LaTeX template. The original template is now customised to GigaBytes requirement and can be used to submit Updates for GigaBytes. Overleaf and Oxford University Press (OUP) have created the initial template for authors submitting manuscripts to GigaScience. This template allows authors to prepare and edit their manuscripts in the OUP 'contemporary' layout used by GigaBytes. To begin writing, simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself.

A LaTeX template for the journal Environmetrics

Peer-review Journal of the FCEFyN

This is the LaTeX template to Per Musi journal developed by Flávio Schiavoni and Thiago Campolina in June 2020 (pandemic times, yes I know).

Overleaf template for submitting manuscripts to the Journal of Dark Sky Studies
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