本地make cls后上传一版examples。 引擎选xelatex。 正文type=doctor|master|bachelor|postdoc。 感谢hithesis (github.com/hithesis/hithesis) 。
it's the thesis template for swuster, which also can be used for daily report. so enjoy it. the update is for replacing .cfg file with .tex to let swustart file editable on overleaf
LaTeX templates for the thesis of South China University of Technology
High School Students Simple Essay Contest in Taiwan By Taipei Municipal Heping High School
中国海洋大学汇报模板,改编自 Buaa Beamer Theme,只修改了校徽
这是一个简单的homework for scnuer,部分已注释
武汉大学计算机学院实验报告LaTeX模板 https://github.com/Nagico/WHUExperiment
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