LaTeX templates and examples — CVs and résumés
Make a great first impression with our popular LaTeX templates for CVs and résumés.

A simple font-awesome enabled CV or resume template. Automatically highlights specific author names in an attached citation list.

Custom resume template in LaTeX with automatic fit to page function. Built and compiled in LuaLaTeX.

This CV (Resume) template is compact, minimal, easy to modify, and beautiful at the same time. See this project on GitHub

A minimalistic, multi-page CV template with BibLaTeX support. Template is available under MIT license. It needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. See the website for more examples. Website:

A Free, highly customizable, multi-page CV template with left sidebar suitable for anyone. This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX. This template based on fortysecondscv class (created by Rene Wirnata) and twentysecondcv class (created by Carmine Spagnuolo) has been modified to meet Ovearleaf's compilation requirement. Features: Tiny Seal Generator Watermark Colored DiagramSet Uses Fontawesome5/Fontawesome/Academicons/Comprehensive

Yet another resume/CV template. Github:

Example Europass CV using the europasscv class, with bibliography support, English.

Níckolas Alves' Academic CV Created with the AltaCV template

Abdallah Meddah's CV. Created with the AltaCV template.
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