Posters are a great way to showcase your work, whether at conferences, class presentations, or university open days. Formatting a poster correctly can be difficult but these templates and examples make it easy to create beautiful, eye-catching posters with key content clearly laid out. Each template provides placeholders for text, tables, figures and equations. Font size is usually set automatically, and it’s easy to switch between landscape or portrait, A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 size posters.
RMIT SPACE POSTER based on the a0poster Portrait Poster
The a0poster class was created by:
Gerlinde Kettl and Matthias Weiser (
Author/Designer: Timothy Kodikara
Note: CRC and SERC logos are included in the /figures folder if you might want to use them.
Entre las ventajas que tiene la domótica esta la protección del hogar e integración familiar, añadir valor a la vivienda, mejorar la calidad de vida (acondicionar el clima, aislamiento de equipos, encendido y apagado de luces, regular la energía y automatizar los distintos sistemas) de las personas que viven en ella y en este caso la que nos identifica es el ahorro energético que 'añade inteligencia a las casas
This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy!
Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4.
Possible orientations: portrait, landscape
Font sizes can be changed using the scale option.
Three colour themes available (you create your own!)
This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy!
Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4.
Possible orientations: portrait, landscape
Font sizes can be changed using the scale option.
Three colour themes available (you create your own!)
An event poster with a simple layout, courtesy of beamer. Try scanning the QR codes with a scanner app (e.g. "Scan" on iOS; "QR Droid" on Android and see what happens!
Using WebRTC we are trying to develop a prod-
uct called 'Ping' used for audio, mult-video, file
and screen sharing.
Ping uses WebRTC for the source of data
exchange and XMPP Server for signalling and
Ping works on Browser to Browser connections
instead of naive client server approach.
Ping guarentees high scalability and upto 60%
more efficiency than existin
Created using the baposter Portrait Poster LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (15/5/13) originally created by
Brian Amberg (, downloaded from
Taborjenje 2015
This template has been downloaded from:
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
Poster based on Dreuw & Deselaer's Poster LaTeX Template ( and downloaded from