This is an example of using geophysics.cls for writing two-column Geophysics papers.
Paper template for the ValueEval'23 shared task at SemEval'23 and Touché'23.
Paper template for EVALITA 2023, the Final Workshop of the 8th evaluation campaign EVALITA 2023
Template to be used for system description papers of SemEval-2023 Task 5: Clickbait Spoiling.
The Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) conference 2023 (
This meta-paper describes the style to be used in articles and short papers for SICTI conference, thanks to the creators of the template to SBC Conferences: Rafael H. Bordini e Jomi F. H ̈ubner.
Template for preparing abstract for the Microservice Conference, organized by the Microservices Community
JACoW class file for Accelerator Conference publication for LaTeX2e users
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