Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, a short story or long textbook, these templates and examples provide a fast and effective way to start composing your latest work. All the required components – such as chapters, sections, title pages, glossaries, acknowledgements -- are set out ready for your content. Just open the template and start writing!
Example book template based on “A Classic Thesis Style” (created by Andre Miede).
See also: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/classicthesis/.
This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.
Trigonométrie anti-sèche résumé de cours de seconde. Mini-livre 8 A7 sur un A4 recto.
cheatsheet antiseche pocketmod minibook trig sin cos circle cercle
This is an attempt at a D&D 5e LaTeX template. The color scheme is close to the original source books, as are the fonts. The fonts chosen are included by default in TeX Live. Downloaded from https://github.com/rpgtex/DND-5e-LaTeX-Template on Feb 5, 2020 License: The MIT License (MIT)
A textbook template built with the LiX meta-package. Check out the repository for guides and more templates: https://github.com/NicklasVraa/LiX. Stars are appreciated.
Mit dieser Vorlage kannst du ganz einfach dein Schwangerschaftstagebuch am Rechner schreiben. Es ist bereits fertig formatiert; du braucht bloß noch deine Texte integrieren. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß mit dem Schwangerschaftstagebuch!
This template is for a science textbook. The license is Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal.
The template originated from the author's search for a professional textbook style with the same level of quality as the most "elegant" looking books in his own library of math and computer science books.
This search ended when the author realized that the default latex book style produces the same style he was looking for. That style is exemplified by the classic computer science textbook "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools", also known as "The Dragon Book".
The goal of this template is provide a minimal working example of a large textbook in the default style so you can see, for example, what a Table of Contents or an Index spanning multiple pages will look like. Please view the compiled PDF.