LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Original Draft by Joseph Timothy Foley (foley AT ru DOT IS) and by David S. Cochran (cochrand AT ipfw DOT edu) Updated for ECE405 by Joseph Smith (smitjj09 AT students DOT ipfw DOT edu)

A rough template for training reports in BVCOE.

Modelo para Trabalhos e Relatórios de Disciplina, baseado no padrão da MDT - UFSM

Cybersecurity MsC Template for University of Padua, adapted from official LaTeX template and Stefano Della Morte's Data Science template. It includes minor tweaks on the color and captions and fixes an error on the font size.

This is a template for students that are going to graduate in Computer Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples.

LaTeX template and style files for H2020 HYPERRIDE ( periodic project reports. This template is a modified version of the ERIGrid 2.0 and EMBEDDIA templates!

This template is for the submission of a technical report.

Template for the ESPERANTO H2020 MSCA RISE Project

Dit is een simpel verslagtemplate voor bijv een practicumverslag met Nederlandse comments bij de packages. Ook is de taal ingesteld in het Nederlands. De template gebruikt sans lettertype, die is wat professioneler dan de standaard. Succes!
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