Community articles — International Languages

高校数学~大学基礎レベルの数学の問題集(解答付き) Simple math problem set with solution.

A decorate poster of a poem by Ibn al-Wardi, a famous Arabian historian and poet.

Optimization is a crucial step in the development context of algorithms, where depending on the purpose, different levels of optimization can be applied. Thus, the Network Dijkstra algorithm has been choosen in order to perform the compilation and execution with some levels of optimization from the GCC, measuring its execution time, number of cycles and instructions. In the present work, it is also discussed how the front-end and middle-end analyzes are performed in GCC.

Modelo de proposta de desenvolvimento de software

Consumo de Alimentos Provenientes de Animales: el Mayor y Más Ignorado Factor Contaminante

Este relatório busca aprimorar e aumentar o conhecimento obtido em aula através de cálculos, simulações, montagens e testes de circuitos multiplicadores de tensão.

I want to submit an abstract to a seminar hosted by a scientific institute. At the same time I will give a short talk in that seminar if my abstract is accepted. They require a personal CV for detailed information of the speaker. In fact, they want to hire young researchers during this seminar.

Entre las ventajas que tiene la domótica esta la protección del hogar e integración familiar, añadir valor a la vivienda, mejorar la calidad de vida (acondicionar el clima, aislamiento de equipos, encendido y apagado de luces, regular la energía y automatizar los distintos sistemas) de las personas que viven en ella y en este caso la que nos identifica es el ahorro energético que 'añade inteligencia a las casas

Serie número 04 do Estudo Bíblico em Provérbios
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